Last Post Game V

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awesome. exept for the humidity:p but i got reno(the stable Superpony, he thinks he's all tough) to go like twice around the arena at an awesome collected trot, which is hard for the school horses and usually i'll just give up on trying to keep them collected because it's hard
way better, i guess he just didn't happen to be online tuesday and he's still emailing me anyway so. but i don't know if he LIKES me or just likes me as a friend.
*had a much less-impressive day*
I went to the dentist, and they used weird laser things to fill my cavities. It was awesome. :rolleyes: (not really).
Well omg omg omg omg omg at least yer emailin' him, and there's a good chance!
Naw, 'tis OK. OMG I am not looking forward to the days getting shorter... longest day of the year is coming up.

*plots against the evils of humidity*
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