Last Post Game V

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I don't even think winningness is a word.

It is now! lol llama llama duck! That song is still in my head!! And I finally watched the entire star wars series and i love it! Same with LOTR! I was sick today so i got a lot of movie time!! now i get to frett about my stupid speech that i have to do tomorrow with no voice in front of my school about a paper that i never wanted to write in the first place! wow, just my luck!!!!:rolleyes::mad::(:eek:
*sees butterfly*
*runs after butterfly*
*smacks into pole*

eh well i gtg get some sleep
im so tired. idk why. ugh. prolly cuzz im sick =P

nightnight! :D
*wins and hopes no one notices i took the winning throne while dancing the winning dance and shoving Sean into the mouth of a cave troll... no... wait, note to self: this is NOT 2007...* *wins anyway*:D
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