Least Favorite movie


Well-known member
Okay mine is An Inconvienient Truth, I have had biology lectures in monotone about fish that were more interesting than this Oscar winner. I fell asleep during the fish lecture, so you can imagine my reaction to the movie.
Just like good movies there are also many bad movies. I think Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind is a very weird movie. I didn't like it at all.
What else? There are so many, then I must refresh my mind :D
I suppose right now it is High School Musical. Because the entire world is seemingly so in love with it that I can't even ESCAPE IT in commercials on channels other than the Disney Channel, *sigh*. Besides, I thought it was pretty bad.
disney channel movies are so cheap and badly made that it almost makes me cry. i mean, really, show the kids out there GOOD stuff that will help them learn when they don't even realize it!!!
Indiana Jones movies would be my least favorite..:eek:
Then,probably,Gunga Din (old movie)
Also..don't throw things at me...Pirates of the Caribbean......:rolleyes:
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I suppose right now it is High School Musical. Because the entire world is seemingly so in love with it that I can't even ESCAPE IT in commercials on channels other than the Disney Channel, *sigh*. Besides, I thought it was pretty bad.

YOU GO STEPH! *agrees*

Doffen: You only watch bad stuff ey? XD
Okay mine is An Inconvienient Truth, I have had biology lectures in monotone about fish that were more interesting than this Oscar winner. I fell asleep during the fish lecture, so you can imagine my reaction to the movie.
LOLERZ, we watched that in school last week. It's about Global Warming. How sad.. :(

Snowy: Hahaha!!! POTC! XD *throws water* Kidding! :D

I know what Hannah's gonna say for sure and it'll be a disgrace to this forum ;)

My least fave would be.. Horror movies. They just creep the wits outta me. And SUPER CORNY movies. Eeek..
Well, like as anna said, I can't say what's my hatest movie. :p So I'll just say the others.

-- All Horror movies (I have an EXTREMELY wild imagination. Very bad.)
-- High school musical (It's horrible.)
-- Spiderman, Superman, Batman, all superhero movies. (Uch. Disgusting and boring.)
-- Transformers (It's not yet out here and I hate it already.)
-- More and more and more. I'll probably add more.

I loved the inconvenient truth. It depends though if you WANT to help mother nature. It was actually very interesting.