Less than 1.00 days!

Are you going to see Voyage of the Dawn Treader the movie?

  • Definitely -- midnight screening opening day!

    Votes: 19 30.6%
  • Yes, looking forward to it

    Votes: 26 41.9%
  • Yes but without a lot of expectations

    Votes: 10 16.1%
  • (not sure)

    Votes: 4 6.5%
  • Probably Not

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • No way!

    Votes: 2 3.2%

  • Total voters
The theater near me does not even open till 4:30pm on weekdays. I went to a 2-d (as it was the only showing that they had) showing last night at 7:20 CT. The theater wasn't full by any strech of the imagination but it had a decent crowd especially for a small college town theater during the study days before finals week. I dragged three friends with me and they all enjoyed it. Only one of them other than me had read the books though.
i went with my dad last night to see VODT in 3D

i went with my dad last night to see voyage of the dawn treader in 3D what a blast it was fun :) if it's still out in January i might go see in Hawaii when i'm on vacation hopefuly they will have in 2D this time hopefuly i'll be able to afford seeing it a 2nd time
By all rights I should have been watching it at the time Mewsie posted this but the theater had technical difficulties

I nearly died XD

But it was worth it ;)

edit: Our showing was only 3D as well, yeah some things are a little blurry but in general it was much much better than whatever other live action movie it was I saw in 3D (Can't think what it was)

That would be awful!!!:eek:

I saw it in 2D at the midnight showing. It was so much fun and definitely worth it! I loved it!:D