
Humph with thy sword and sheild I shall conquar but not in vein for I have God above me and beside me. You will not prevale as long as I live and there is Aslan abroad to safe guid me.
Then by all the gods come and do your least, rash girl! Perhaps then, with the god's help, you'll see that, if you take this "Aslan", you will be taking a companion with you! Now, begone and prepare yourself for battle! :p
Levi, i'm gonna start calling you Arthur...
Then, while you're at it, could you capitalize the "I" in "I'm"? :p
I'm so bad. :p
Haha, Ja this is only too true. :sighs: Oh well some day though...some day. All though the subject you being evil...haha depends. Shotting people on Holloween with berries is quiet mean but funny
To a Homeschooler who rocks the house!
To a sith lord who is so demonic, the demons flee.
To the Immortal, who is neutral.
To the guy who is champions manhood!
To the America who made America greater for living.....

This is his thread!

The Merc, The General, the Roman, the King, The sith, and Friend of the Dark Side,

LEVI DONELSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We need weapons, statues of our leader, a banner for battle. :D
