Life as a Queen and King

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Gentle Voice

Active member
OK this about four Queens and Three Kings they live in diffent land one is called Nortopqua the other is called Sothreà and Quth. Nortopqua is the land of life and hope, Sothreà is the land of Faith and Love, Quth is the land of night and glory.

Land Of Quth-

King Mark -

Queen Luna- Me

Land of Nortopqua-

Queen Hope-DayHawk68

Queen Lurnà-queenaravis707

Queen Lornà-uniquemonke

Land of Sothreà-

King Lurn( In love with Hope)-

King Matho ( in love with Lurnà)-
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I would love to be Queen Lurna (sorry I couldn't put the accent up there), but I need to know what the story's about... lol.
OOC: I guess we can start this now because we got five of us we still need guys :]


!2:45 AM

Queen Luna was in the thorn room looking out of the window watching the stars. Her and Mark all ways watch them but he wasn't there he was at war with the Black knight from the land of Lozth they all had a war about something. Luna got up and went to her room she laid down on her bed crying herself to sleep. She didn't have friends or and thing the only people she talk to was her maids and her husband.
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Queen Hope was beautiful. There was no doubt about it. But she hated it. She was always the center of conversation (good and bad) and was steryotyped as a dim wit. She knew she was intelligent, but no one took her seriously when she tried to bring up deep and intulectual conversations. As queen she was expected to play the role of the perfect socialite, always trying to make her husband look good.

She loved him dearly, but she often wondered if he truely loved her. He was a quiet man, easy going when with friends, but often isolated himself from the world. Hope was lonely. Eversince her brothers' deaths she had never had any real friendship. Lurn was good to her, but rarely did they ever spend real time together. Hope wished she had someone to tell her deepest thoughts to. But it seemed impossible.
Queen Lorna, was ruler of her kingdom, but was not married. She had never found anyone, for her, and noone ever seemed in love with her. She treated everyone she knew with great respect. She was lonely though, she wished to have a husband, or even just a friend. All her people, liked her, but they didn't know her as well. She loved visiting with her people.

She tallked with her ladies in waiting often, but she wanted friends, real friends, to talk to and get advice from. She didn't know if it would ever happen though.
Luna got on her horse and went somewhere she never been before. She looked around there wasn't anything around, but woods and more woods. hours later she was in a land with bright colors she never been here before.
She jumped off her horse she was now at a huge castle.
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She came up to her and bowed " Hello there were am I if you don't mind me asking?," she asked, pulling her long black hair out of her face.
She bowed also, "This is the land of life and hope, Land of Nortopqua, may I ask where you are traveling from?"she asked her smileing.
"Oh, I am so sorry, I forgot to introduce myself, I am Queen Lorna."she said then curtsied, she was wearing a green floor length gown.
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