Life as a Queen and King

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Hope rode westward to the other kingdom. She had looked through the old family archives and found that their queens Lurna and Lorna were actually her cousins. Since she never met them, she figured it was about time she did. She had sent word of her arrival so that they knew that she was coming.
She smiled and nodded to her.

A lady-in-waiting came upto Lorna, "Your majesty, your cousin is coming, she just sent an annoucment of her arrival. It is a cousin you do not know, her name is Hope."she said then curtsied. "Thank you, Bria,"she said then nodded.
The women walked away.
"Of course,"she said nodding, "Lucia?"she said, a women came upto her.

"Yes, your majesty?"she asked.

"Can you please take this nice women to one of the bed chambers?"she asked.

The women nodded and smiled at the guest, "Come with me, madam."she said leading her upstairs.

"We will have someone announce to you when supper is served."she added.
Lurna's servant came to her bedroom and announced the arrival of a cousin. She saw her sister Lorna leaver her bedchamber and decided to follow her and meet this new cousin of theirs.
Lorna walked to the main hall, and waited for her new cousin. "Hello Lurna, how are you doing?"she asked her sister smileing.
Lurna answered her smiling sister. 'I'm doing well, though this day's been quite uneventful. I wonder who this new cousin of ours is,' she added.
"I wonder as well, also, we have a guest, her name is Luna, she is the Queen of the Land of Quth,"she said smileing. "She is quite kind, I think you will like her. She will be at supper, right now she is resting in the guest quaters."she added.
'Wow, this is the most activity we've had in months!' Lurna exclaimed. She caught sight of her reflection in the nearby mirror. 'My goodness! I must go look presentable for them... no good looking like this.'
She went upto her room, and got dressed in a pastel blue gown, and had her hair down, with a couple of braids in it.
Luna woke up noteing that she wasn't in her own room " Hm weird oh, yes silly I most have fulling asleep," she told herself, she got out of the bed and went down stairs. When she got there she saw a other lady " Hello there you most be Queen Lurnà your sister was talking about," she told her, with a kind smile.
It was almost dinner, and Lurna was ready to meet her cousin and Queen Hope. Her hair was down and a bit frizzy after all the unsucccesful attempts to make it straighter, and she had her red dress with gold trimmings. After some last minute preperations, she headed toward the dining hall.

OOC: Where is this eventually going to lead?
OOC: What? I'm confused... she;s talking to me... so Hope's not there... right?

(ooc Hope is there, she hasn't talked to anyone yet, but now she'll talk to you.)

Queen Hope looked at the two sisters that walked into the room. She curtsied and gave a simple smile.

"I am sorry to barge in like this, I should have given more notice, but I was very eager to meet my cousins. I didn't even know of you until recently. I mean I knew your kingdom just not that mine and yours were connected by blood."
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