Life as a Queen and King

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"Well, these are the palace gardens, let's go inside,"she said leading her to the grand doors. A guard was there, "Hello Arnold"Lorna said to him smiling. He smiled and she walked into the palace.
[/IMG] (ooc pic of Hope. lol Xena fans would find this ironic)

Hope waited for her husband to come back from his trip. He was settling affairs with leaders from other countries. She was very lonely, as she sat out side on her terrace. On the otherside of her land of Nortopqua there was life, fun and adventure. Here, on her side, there was not much life. She decided being alone was not for her...
" Well I got lonely I had to get out of the castle and see what my husband been seeing all this time," she told her.
"You wouldn't, other then the maids and guards its just me living here with my sister."she said to her.
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Queen Lurna looked out the window to see her older sister talking to another woman. Lurna sighed. It was easy for her sister to make friends. Being the youngest and quietest, she was often overlooked in daily affairs and didn't have many friends. She simply was content to stay behind the scenes and watch everything. She pushed her curly, long brown hair out of her face and watched her sister and her new companion with curiousity.
OOC: Yeah, sorry... a bit random, but you started and I just wanted to show that I existed is all... I didn't forget or anything.
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