Life in L A Rpg

OOC: oh thanks Janny I thought it was some thing like that.

ic: she smiled.
" oh I love all kinds of food but you said something I have no clue what it is a Hamburger?," she said looking at him oddly.
occ: kk :D u're welcome :D 'a la orden' :)
kk im posting...

ic: Marianne walked home after leaving from school...She was definetly getting used to that new life, since all there was new for her, home, friends and school..."This its how it is now, and i have to take it easy.." She said to herself, opening the door of her house...
Ic: he laughed just bit "its like a sandwhich with meat and lettecuce and tomatos we will try it next time " they waited for they food for 30 min then it arrived the dude served it and they started eating chris was being well behaved he put his napkin on his lap took his elbow off the table and ate with a fork and knife and chewd with his mouth closed then asked after he sallowed some of his food " how do the food here"
Reb walked down the back alley, she met another guy down at the back.
"Yo Jodiah..." she said in a dark voice.
"I got your package..." he said flatly.
"You don't beat around the bush..."
"None of us do..." he answered.
"I figured that out by now. How much is it gonna cost me?"
"Depends on how much you want..."
"Only a little, I don't like having it in my pockets..."
"five bucks..."
"Sorry, Jodiah, can't take it, it's too much." When she said that, Jodiah stepped toward her.
"I brought this for you Reb..." he growled.
"I can't buy it at that price..." Reb answered. "I don't got no money!" He took another step toward her and she flicked out her knife, pressing it to his skin. "I told you I don't have any money, I can't buy it." she growled.
"Take it easy." Jodiah breathed uneasily.
"I'll take it easy, I'll have money next week, bring it by then. I have to go." she closed her pocket knife, slipped it into her pocket and headed out to the drizzling streets.
ooc: Don't worry bud...I understand. Reb's a...different...kind of character :p

ic: Reb went down the road to a small, run-down coffee shop. She pulled off her hoodie and pushed it under the counter, grabbing an apron. She wore a black short sleeve shirt with black arm sleeves to cover her arms. Across the shirt it said 'As I Lay Dying' in white letters. She wore dark jeans but her hair stayed in a ponytail, as she walked up the cash register to start work.
Ic: he laughed just bit "its like a sand which with meat and lettecuce and tomatoes we will try it next time " they waited for they food for 30 min then it arrived the dude served it and they started eating Chris was being well behaved he put his napkin on his lap took his elbow off the table and ate with a fork and knife and chewed with his mouth closed then asked after he sallowed some of his food " how do the food here"

She smiled.
" it is nice," she said in Italian accent.
he smiled and they ate bit more then chris said "check please " the dude brought him a check it was all 30 bucks so he put his money plus a tip and walked out with alex "so what do you want to do know we got moive theater or i could sing a song along with playing guitar "