Life in L A Rpg

She rolled her eyes at him.
" all right I'm come hold I have to do something first all right," she said walking out of her room,
she knock on her older brother's door.

He open it half way.
" yes can I help you?," he ask with his playful way.

Alex shook her head at him.
" yes I do thank you every much may I came in please?," she said not letting him answer her,
she sat down on her bed.
" can you like watch the others for me I have a guess over and I don't want them around when he is?," she ask pick up her knife

He nod to her.
" All right but have to pay," he said with his hands out.

She rolled her eyes.
" hehe Happy now?,' she ask handing him some money then walk backt o her room not makeing a sound.
he laughed " well you should meet my family one time you would like my mama and grandma would cook you a dinner so big love it and brothers sisters would love to meet you " he laughed
She tuned around looking at him with a weak smile.
" I'll love that but for now I have to think of something so hush," she said turn back looking at her hands for awhile her face turn all red.
"all right " he looked over her chair and saw some stuff and layed back down but snuck out of the room and headed to an open door and saw some guys and hee said " who are what are doing in alexs house "