Life in L A Rpg

She look at him then got up.
" they are in their bed rooms upstairs," she said with a half smile on her face she walk over to her laptop to cheack her E-mail.
She laugh.
" oh my Gang well hm my father was the godfather and well if I want to live here I had to join it so I said all right," she said with a weak smile,
then her Stepmother came down stairs.
She look up at her mom.
" oh her yes that's my Mum," she said with a smile she waved at her to come over.

Alex Mum came over to them.
" hi sweetie who's you friend,?" she ask sitting down on the leather couch.

Alex look at Chris then back at her mother.
" Mum this is Chris my boyfriend Chris this is my Mum Rebbecca," she said with a smile,
she hook her arm into his.

Rebbecca smiled.
" glad to meet you dear my daughter Alexandra talks about you all the time," she said in her Italian accent.
Alex look at him.
" is everything all right Chris?," she ask lying her head back on his shoulder.

Rebbecca smiled and got up were she was.
" you two need any thing I'll be in the back with your brothers," she told them walking off.
Mac came down stairs with his Cameo bandanna and black hat and red tee Shirt on and blue jeans.
He look in the Living room thew his pocket knife at the wall.
He came in the room.
" I want to know because she like a baby sister me and I don't want to see her to get hurt," he said with a angry tone

Alex woke up and twiced his arm back.
" you leave him alone Carpeto," she said glaring into his eyes.