Life in L A Rpg

Marianne just streched her hand, and shook Reb's..."Im Marianne, i moved here from Santa Monica.." She said, she never thought a girl like Reb would talk to her, since Marianne looked just like a nice girl....

"Darling, don't worry about a thing, people here are just tough, if you know the right people, you'll get along fine. Just don't hold eye contact!" she laughed at an attempted joke. "You'll learn cold humour soon."
Chris and his friends Angel Joe and 4 others Mike a tall black guy about chris age derek another african amrerican boy bout chris age only short but strong then there was fernando a tall mexican boy bout chriss age with slicked back hair and then Bryan a short stubby mexican but had biceps they ad been talking about them emos so what chris did next was foolish "lets get these emos back homies " he and his friends confronted them and he spilled rebs milk on to her lap "what you going to do you emo "
Chris and his friends Angel Joe and 4 others Mike a tall black guy about chris age derek another african amrerican boy bout chris age only short but strong then there was fernando a tall mexican boy bout chriss age with slicked back hair and then Bryan a short stubby mexican but had biceps they ad been talking about them emos so what chris did next was foolish "lets get these emos back homies " he and his friends confronted them and he spilled rebs milk on to her lap "what you going to do you emo "

ooc: She's standing not sitting.

ic: She looked at him for a moment, absolutly nothing written on her face, just emptiness. "Oh! Well, what am I going to do?" she asked in a fake, high-pitched voice and then turned back to the girl she was talking to. In her head she was laughing hystarically at the fact that he thought that spilt milk would get her all wound up. What she really wanted to do was dump something on his head, but of course, she didn't have lunch. So she just ignored him and continued talking to the girl. "Manny is kinda small, but don't insult her, she gets mad easily..."
ooc:lol sorry oh and guys the rpg going to be closed till tommorw okay
Ic:chirs then took a step a back and said "have it your way "
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ooc: Haha okay then

ic: Amanda smiled "I don't mean to be rude but I don't know anyone here so I was just wandering whether I could maybe hang out with you guys for a while" she said holding her folder tightly against her chest.
"Nice school huh?" she said sarcastically glancing at Reb now and again but she could tell that Marianne was a bit scared of Reb and waited for her response. "You know what never mind" she replied walking past them and walking towards he door to the yard/outside.
Occ: i said this last night at 12 00 am i was tried lol
Icc: chris walked away and took out his lunch which was a bowl of rice and a soda he then said to angel " angel you know who that chick is " her name is reb " Reb any info on her " "she moved her when she was 6 her father was an abusvie cop and her mother a achloic beats her " man so thats why she always like that " chris then felt alittle bad for trying to fight her
ooc: Oh lol. Janny you little liar :p

ic: Amanda sat under a tree as she got outside and took out her lunch. She bit into her sandwich and watched as the other students passed by.