Life in L A Rpg

"ok." Vi said but she didnt move. She didnt want to say anything, but she didnt want to leave. She liked these people even though she had no idea who they were, and she felt safe with them. She could see kindness in the man's eyes. She started to go away, but stopped. She couldnt decide what to do. She stood there for awhile, looking awkward.
ooc: ok then :p wait what are your chars' names?? i forget!!
ic: Violet walked behind the man in to the cafe and sat down with them. She was miles from home, in a strange cafe with strangers, but she felt safe somehow.
The waitress put the coke in front of Violet. She smiled "gracias"
she took a sip

ooc: lol which border did we just cross? into mexico or out of it?
ooc: ok thats what i thought just wanted to make sure

ic: "oh um...well..." Violet guessed there was no point in keeping secrets. "I'm running away from home." She took a big sip of her drink.