Life in L A Rpg

"yeah...just...just a break. From it all. You know, the same old sights, the same old chores every single day, the same old oversensitive mom" she rolled her eyes.
Violet felt awkward, so she decided to break the ice. She thought...waht totally random thing could she do to break this horribly awkward ice? She calmly picked up a Sweet n low, opened it, and poured it on Chris's head. :D
"Well I...I'd tell you if I knew. I guess the reason I ran at first was because I know...unappreciated or wahtever. But now that i think of it, it seems like a stupid reason to run away from home. But you'd think I'd wanna go home if I thought i had no reason to run, right? But i dont. I wanna stay away. At least for awhile."