Love Me Forever

Bennet shrugged. "I don't know....what do you think, honestly?"

She hesitated before saying anything. "I think........I think you should really get to know someone.......for a long time........before committing to them fully. Marriage isnt something you can just rush has to be built on love not lust or spare of the moment" she said looking at him throguh crystal blue eyes.
She hesitated before saying anything. "I think........I think you should really get to know someone.......for a long time........before committing to them fully. Marriage isnt something you can just rush has to be built on love not lust or spare of the moment" she said looking at him throguh crystal blue eyes.

Bennet smiled. "I like that. That's a very responsible way of looking at it." THe waitress came by with their food, and put down their plates.
She smiled "so you agree?" she asked taking a bite from her burger. "Would you want to get married someday?" she asked before realising what she had asked. "Just out of curiosity" she quickly added.
"Yeah......someday" she replied looking at him then looking out of the window as the rain began to lightly beat against the window. "Great way to end an awesome da....evening........." she said sarcastically but not angrily.
20 minutes later........"Yep.........really looks like its cleared up" she said laughing. "Maybe if we leave now we could miss the worst of it" she said as the lights blinked out. Everyone looked around in confusion.
"We are about to be hit by a small storm" the cafe owner said.
Bennet looked at the owner in disbelief. "Or maybe we should have left 20 minutes ago." He bit his bottom lip. "Maybe we should stay here until it passes...unless you'd rather try to make it home."
She glanced outside and shook her head. "I'm sure I can wait a bit longer before going home" she said as the weather outside worsened. Candles were lit all over the cafe. If it hadnt been for the situation it would have been kinda romantic. Pepper sat back in her chair. The elctricity had been cut off and that included the heater and AC. The wind chill from outside was getting through the windows and Pepper could feel it. She wrapped her arms around herself.
She was hoping he would come and sit next to her. She didnt really like storms and was slightly afraid of them but she took the jacket and smiled gently "thanks" she said putting it on. It warmed her up as she wandered how long they would be here for. she hoped Jasper was okay.