Love Me Forever

"Fish sticks and chicken sandwich coming right up" she said noting down their order. "Anything else?....." she asked. "A drink perhaps?......".
"I'll bring your order to your table then" Pepper said as she turned around and headed into the kitchen. She gave the chef the order and waited for him to prepare the food. She smiled as she waited and wandered where Matthias had gotten to.
Pepper was pretty sure the girl sitting next to them hadnt been there before. She smiled politely as she placed the plates down and left the table back to the counter. She sat infront of the bar and glanced at the clock. She kept glancing at Bennet and Jacks table.
Bennet looked at his watch. "OH, I should get going too. See ya, Amy." He jumped out of his seat, and went to pay. He took out the money and handed it to Pepper.
ooc:We're heading back to work after lunch.

"I sure did." He put the change in the tip jar. He noticed her name badge and said, "See you round, Pepper." He turned to leave, realizing he was running late.

ooc. ok, thanks. :)

ic. Ann walked back to work quickly, she still had a lot to do today.