Mafia Game 18!


New member
Time: THE MAFIA HAVE WON!! Thank you for playing :D

This game shall be a reveal!

The suspects:

Jack Of Blades - Civillian dropped in the pit day two!
Inkling - Civillian murderd Night two!
~Lava~ - Meduim killed night four!
Eärendil the Mariner - Civillian murderd night one!
Driad54 - Angel murderd night three!
office - Civillian droped in the pit day one!
Frodsgurl - Civillian that survived!
BarbarianKing - Bomb droped in the pit day five!
Twilightdryadhobbit - Cupid killed night five!
Olorin The Wise - Mafia! Killed night four!
Krazynarniagirl - Psychic dropped in the pit day four!
Korkoa - Mafia that survivied!
LocoRoco - Duke killed night five!
Susan Rocks - Mafia that survived!
fish_wwjd_frog - Civillian dropped in the pit day three!

Peopul who are away shall be Purple and those who are dead shall be Red.

Specs for Game 18: This is going to be a cartoon sort of set-up. A bit like the film who framed Roger rabbit.


Civilian: The majority of players are civilians. Civilians do nothing special, they just vote every day for who they think is a murderer.

Mafia: There are 3 Mafia, who get to kill one member every night. They PM the leader, telling the leader whom they want to kill.

Psychic: The Psychic gets to find out the job of one person per night.

Angel: The Angel saves one person every night. If the Angel saves the same person as the Mafia decide to kill, then that person doesn’t die.

Cupid: On the first night only, the Cupid PM’s the leader with the names of two people he/she wants to be ‘lovers’. If one of these lovers dies at any time in the game, the other one will too.

Duke: The Duke gets the option to veto the vote at the end of the day. He/she can choose to either stop the hanging or let it happen. As a new thing this game, we are limiting the number of saves the duke has to five. If by the end of the day, the Duke hasn't PMed me, it will be assumed that he/she is not going to save the person.

Bomb: The Bomb is just like a civilian except that on ONE night (whichever night the Bomb decides) during the game, he/she gets to kill one person. If the Bomb dies before he/she has used his/her bomb, then nobody gets bombed.

Medium: The medium gets to chose one day (only one day) in which all the ghosts can vote. They also allow all of the dead special jobs to use their powers. Once the medium dies, their power cannot be used. Use it wisely.


There are 2 periods of the game: day and night. During the nights, the murderers kill somebody, the Psychic finds out somebody’s job, the Angel save somebody, etc. During the days everybody votes on whom to hang at the end of the day.

The object of the game for the murderers is to kill everybody before they themselves are all hung. The object of the game for everybody else is to hang all the murderers before they're all dead. During the night, the murderers kill one person, the Psychic finds out the job of one person, the Angel saves one person, and (on the first night only) the Cupid picks two lovers. During the day, everybody votes on whom to hang for the last murder. (I will be putting people’s votes up in bold next to their names.) The Duke then decides on whether that person gets hung. Then it goes back to night and it starts over again. Don't forget to bold your official votes; otherwise they don't count!

We will be playing this game with time constraints, so each day and night will last 72 hours at the most.
For the days: The day ends (1) when all of the people have voted (and the Duke has PM'ed the leader), (2) when one person has more than half of the active votes (and the Duke has PM'ed the leader), or (3) when the 72 hours are up. If the vote is tied after the day ends, both people die (unless they're the last two people in the game, in which case the leader declares indecision). I will give the duke the option of saving one or the other. If we have a three way tie then we will have a 24-hour day extention with a run-off only including the three tied. If they are still tied at the end then the tie-breaker will be the duke.
For the nights: The night ends when (1) the murderers, Psychic, Angel, and (on the first night only) Cupid have all PM'ed the leader, or (2) when the 72 hours are up. If any of the people with night-jobs have not PM'ed the leader by the end of the night, the leader selects a name at random to go to that job. Thus if the murderers fail to PM the leader, the leader selects a name at random for them to kill, if the Psychic fails to PM the leader, the leader selects a person at random to tell the job of to the Psychic, etc.
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*runs back in house in fright, locking doors, windows, and any thing they could possibly force their way into* THERE COMING!!!! *I ran round the house, screaming like a little girl*
Walks down the sidewalk. Notices that there is a ladder in his path with a can of opened paint sitting on the top step. Driad specifically walks around the ladder, and not through. "Can't be too cautious". :D

Running into Starbucks, he grabs a super-caffeinated drink, "It's gonna be a long couple weeks..."
Buys a Monster instead.

Anyone drink those? They put me to sleep. How ironic. :confused:

What is Night as Opposed to Day? Lack of sunlight? What if there's an eclipse, does that make it "temporarily" night? :D
And how does this 72 hour period of Day/Night work? I feel like I'm back in the courtroom of Inherit the Wind....