Mafia Game 18!


I was thinking along the lines of if the Mafia slip something into it...

Actually, come to think of it, maybe I'd better distill the water instead of just boiling it.

Driad, as far as the day/night thing goes: Night is the scary time - the Mafia murder somebody, the Angel and Psychic sneak around saving and spying on people, etc. During the day, the people just vote. And talk. Anyway, way back a long time ago (I think it was game 6) we decided that the days and nights were taking way too long. The leader was having to wait for all the PMs before declaring the end of the night, and had to have a majority in the vote before declaring the end of the day. So, it was decided to install time constraints wherein each day and night could last 72 hours at the most. If by the end of the night's 72 hours, any one of the "night" jobs had not PMed the leader, the leader would make a random selection of whom to perform that job's ability on. So, if the Psychic failed to send the leader a PM with a name in it, the leader would make a random selection of the players and tell the Psychic the name of that player. The days would end either when a majority was reached, or when the 72 hours were up. If there was no majority by then, the person with the most votes would die, etc. It's all in the first post of this game, I believe.
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I actually meant to say that I'll be gone from Wednesday to Sunday. Sorry, hopefully we'll get to voting before I go. We'll see what happens. If not, it'll be fine I'm sure.
Oh dear! It would seem that this is the end of the night. And you know what that means! The Mafia have been at it again! Even with eveyone trying to be safe, when you have walls made of rubber and a celling of bread anything is possiblw when you put your mind into it.

Litrally it would seem. The Mafia caught Eärendil the Mariner windering out side. He being a brave man tryed to catch the one infront of him, watching him run through a tunnel. Of cource he followed which then of cource ment he ran into a brick wall!

When the townsfolk awoke and saw him it just looked like he had run head first into a wall! Of cource they knew who where responsible for his murder....

He was a Civillian!
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I am not sure, haven't had a chance to really study the matter. I will vote for office but I am warning that the vote may be subject to change at a whim.
b-b-b-wha...? why? What did I say? In what have I offended you?



Or is this just more random guessing?

However, just to emphasize that I hold no grudges for your misguidedness :)rolleyes:), I vote Office. Since he seems to have the most votes, and I am kind of interested in staying alive... :rolleyes: