Mafia Game 18!

Even if we do, it is customary to give the duke a chance to PM the leader. Since the day is not officially over, I would imagine that that is what loverble is doing. Besides, currently office needs one more vote for a simple majority.
I don't know that I actually said that last game. I said that if the day ended before the duke Pmed then it would be concidered a vote to not save the person. At any rate, the situation doesn't apply here yet. Office still needs one vote for a majority. I have not seen loverble on today either.
Sorry guys! I turned 18 yesturday so had no chance to get on! I shall start to anoy the Duke now and oi! No you can't kill me :p

Why would you want too? :( :p
(Sorry to double post!) I have bugged the Duke aaaaaaand......

All the folks of Cartoon town dragged Office onto the stand. When the trial was done they all decided that Office was going dooown. The next thing Office knew was that he was falling... And falling... And falling. The death of coice was of cource the bottemless pit. They listend for a thud but all that came out was smoke that spelled out that Office was a Civillian!! Uh-oh!

Tis now night! PM meee!
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aww, poor office! he was one of the first ones killed in the last game too... :D

ooh, impenetrable doors? very appealing! *buys an Israeli door* there! all safe! :D:p