Mafia: Game 6

ha ha! "Silent as the grave"

so, Olorin, does this mean we have a better chance for winning since she's dead?
lol.:p I would believe it.

I found this, and I struck me funny.

Thomas Jefferson once said, 'We should never judge a president by his age, only by his works.' And ever since he told me that, I stopped worrying.
Ronald Reagan:p
This ghost is a pure unadultered redhead. Nothing but Shampoo and conditioner will ever touch my untamable locks.
oooookay. well I suppose since you're dead you're allowed to get entirely off topic

come to think of it it's kind of my fault you're off topic :D

*sleeps with her Winnie the Pooh teddy bear*
Why are the ghosts getting in trouble for chit-chatting the non-deads? at least we are not attempting to keep you all awake with loud music.