Mafia: Game 7

To our dearly departed: "What dreams may come / when once we've shuffled off this mortal coil / must give us pause / and rather make us bear those ills we know / than fly to others that we know not of" :D. Leave it to an English major to quote Shakespeare ;).
Those of you with special jobs: Thank you for one of the shortest "nights" I have ever seen in TDL mafia!!!! :) all need to sleep-talk more! That actually gives me ideas for stories about how people are murdered! :D

So this won't be very creative...I'm recycling one of the ways of "dying" that I used for kids...though this will be slightly more morbid...;)

No one slept well that night. As reassuring as the hanging had been, the memories of the murder discovered earlier that morning still kept everyone on edge. Knowing that many would be sleeping with both eyes open, the mafia were particularly cautious as they crept around the town. Slowly they made their into a house and into the bedroom, where they quickly threw a blanket over the person half-sleeping. They threw the citizen into the back of their car and drove off... A short time later they came to an empty warehouse with a large bin inside of it. And inside of the bin...a giant ball pit!!! The helpless citizen was thrown into it and, as anyone who has ever been inside a small-scale ball pit knows, just sunk deeper as he/she struggled to escape. Satisfied with themselves, the mafia left and retired to their homes. In the morning, the citizens called a town-wide head count. One was missing. *IOWW the Iasc*, an innocent civilian, was found dead.

It is now daytime. It will end when I have everyone's votes or in 72 hours, whichever comes first. So vote, people! :) I am getting suspicious. Like I said normally the mafia are the first to cast suspicions on other people. I was wrong about Machia and i am really sorry for that, it is just that you were rather quick to point the finger, I guess years of playing mafia does that to you. I should have guessed who you were. But back to the subject, has any one else realized or am I the only one, that Gentle Voice has been the first person to vote both times since this game began, now I was wrong about Machia, and like I said I am so sorry for that, but I just can't ignore this which is why I am voting for Gentle Voice. I am sorry to do this but I just can't ignore my instincts. I will find out who the mafia is. The civilians are finally going to win a round, at least if I can help it. I know this means the mafia will probably go after me next but it will narrow the field (if they do) for the civilians to find out who the mafia really is.