Mafia: Game 7

Put aside the fact that I was mafia for a moment because that has no bearing on what I am about say, Lucy of the Duffers (my sister) is at camp for the rest of the week and cannot change her vote, she voted this morning before she left and will not be back till Day is overI do not think she would wish to vote for someone she knew was innocent so fish could you please put her on the vacation list.

Excuse my curiosity, who is Lauren?

Thanks for letting me know. I put her on the vacation list, but I left her vote as Inkling. I doubt it will have any effect on the voting turnout, though. :)

Also, for everybody: I am going to try and get on as much as possible tomorrow, but I am going to be with family and away from my computer almost all day. I'll definitely be on in the evening to tally votes, though, so just be patient! :D

-Liz- Fish
"they used to sit around and stare at each other......................................................................................................................................................... Got very boring."
ES, if you don't think Olorin is mafia then I am going to go with Loverable. Cause I honestly don't know,but I figure if you don't think he's mafia I'll go with the other person being voted for!
Loverble it is :). I hope that the senseless slaying of civilians will simply cease (oooooh, I used alliteration in my post ;) )
ES, if you don't think Olorin is mafia then I am going to go with Loverable. Cause I honestly don't know,but I figure if you don't think he's mafia I'll go with the other person being voted for!

Ok, I want to clarify. I think Olorin is Mafia because the people who have died are suspicious. Olorin has a grudge against Gondorgirl for instance. Also, IOWW and Machia are people that could be considered Olorin's "friends" on the board, or at least people that he knows. I think the Mafia would probably go for thier friends first so people wont think it's them. Also, he has been quick to accuse some others. I'm not 100% sure he is mafia, but I can't really be 100% certain about anyone now that the psychic is dead.
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I barely know Machia...

And besides, Machia got killed because he was the Psychic. Any Mafia would go after the Psychic one they knew who it was.
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For the sake of being clueless, I vote Olorin the Wise. Yep. Let's see what happens... after all, it's just a game :D
Or is it?