Mafia - sign up

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-EFC 4ever

remember everyone, you can still sign up for game two!!!
-EFC 4ever
-Fender Stratocaster

yeah, this is going to be a huge game:cool::D
-EFC 4ever
-Fender Stratocaster

people, game two is played when we finish game one, so it might take a week. you can still sign up for game two

remember Everyone, I'll Pm You When Game One Is Over, But It Might Take A Few More Days, Don't Worry ;)
Elf Of The Grey Havens said:
The game has started. Do we need this thread anymore, lieke?
yes, game one started, but people are signing up for game two now, and that game hasn't started yet, so people still sign up :)
i already had you on the list, so you are signed up:D

list untill now:

-EFC 4ever
-Fender Stratocaster
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