Mafia - sign up

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Nope, I'm not just gonna 'do it' because I like givin' you all the run-around..

Hey, it'd be cool to have a ghost as a host...(ew it rhymes, we need to add that to our song, Lieke..somewhere...)
YEAH! Lava is hosting...

(The song is like one or two pages back, its the Mafia song)

hahaha you made a Mafia song! hahahahaha thats great! I have to find it!

woot go Lava!!!!:D

edit: I found it, hahaha...
quite lovely RF and Lieke!

"There once was a game called Mafia.
Everyone who played liked taffy-a
The mafia tried to kill everyone
And there was a job called 'the bomb'

Usually the mafia won.
Because their job was the most fun.
But in game 8 the civillians were smart
And they attacked the mafia with a dart...


Angle, Psychic and the Duke
Not all of them are called Luke
But they should be on the good side
And hang the mafia like dustmite

The great hat chose who did what.
And Thomas wasn't allowed to be Duke."
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Think we are going to have all the jobs we had in game eight plus the medium. though I may accidentally call the physcic the sherrif, at some points.

Here is the list again:

Olorin the Wise
Elvess Saralina
After Sunset
Oxford girl
Sir Benjamin the Lion
Shizuka Rose

if you want to play you all might want to sign up.
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I am DPing because My sister wants to be added to the list.

Olorin the Wise
Elvess Saralina
After Sunset
Oxford girl
Sir Benjamin the Lion
Shizuka Rose
Lady Theresa

And a tied vote will produce the death of both.
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*cries* I just realised.. I'll be going on vacation for three weeks next week.. So I'miss the whole beginning.. :( SO I can't really participate anymore.. :(
HOLY CAMORO! I didn't realize she'd changed her name till I read Olorin's post--I always identify people by siggys/avvys...and she hasn't changed that in awhile...
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