Magic creatures rp

:) yeah! cool...omg I know this is random, but it's hilarious: my age-6 sis and age-5 stepbro are playing "would you rather." lol. but yeah, we can be friends out of character too. I wish someone evil would come so we can begin the role playing. I'm putting the fairy pic in my siggy.
ok... we can do that. it just stinks that we are the only people here. *sigh*

I'm gonna do all my stuff in purple now, to signify that I'm stella.
(what's your icedragon's name again???)
K. and I dunno what you are... boy probably, cuz isn't Jango Fett a boy???:confused: :) lol.

Ice, you wanna go to see my friend Yalith??? She lives on a star. It's so cool to go there. It's beautiful, seeing all the universe from a small star...:) (lame, I know, but my brain is having an off-day)
Ok! Let's go... *thinks aloud* how should I do this??? It's been awhile since I last went out of Verloren (our world. like the name?) and I can't seem to remember how...hmm...
Ok! I remember. *sings lyrics to the ancient harmonic song* Ar Neamh genodh...brisingi stell...
We're there!!! *Looks around*
It's not too cold, you know. Yalith is adaptable. *looks around the star.* Like it? this isn't what people think of when they think of stars. They just see flaming balls of gas, but I see this: silver water, purple mountains with silver snow, midnight blue skies... It's all very simple: what a fairy imagines her element is, it becomes that. So, if I am correct in thinking this is Yalith's star, then there should be a landmark, right over there...*points to the pond in front of Ice*
*gasp* that's so cool! Now where did Yalith go?? she's always disappearing... Oh, here she comes!!!*whispers to Ice* You'll like her. She is just like me, in so many ways, so we're best friends, but she's very calm and laid-back. She's right over there... *looks to east.* *bright white light shines, and blinds Ice and Stella* One more thing: she only speaks through kything, through the mind. Don't bother saying hello, or in fact saying anything at all; she's a bit scared of dragons.