Magician's Nephew - My future project!

Yikes, sorry for not posting here for some time now.....

So whats happening? Well, since recieving good marks from the first year of college, i never knew that the second year would be more difficult.

In other words i have delayed the series until christmas where i hope i have more free time etc.

Ali do you have anyone helping you on the production side? Besides voice actors if you know what I mean?

(hows it going starbuck, hope everthing has been ok etc.)

Well, apart from voice actors I will be requiring assistance from experts (also using same software) for 'project aslan'. Unfortunately the software i am using (3DMM) does not have any lions for props etc. so i'm guessing it will be difficult etc.

Apart from that, i gotta get back studying (exactly what im doing now). But once i start back on the project, i will post here etc.

Oh, and for episode 3, i may plan to increase the framerate of the video, makes visuals look much better.

ali_f said:
(hows it going starbuck, hope everthing has been ok etc.)


I'm doing just fine my friend, congratulations on the good marks hope you get many more, as for me I've just finished all my Christmas shopping for my folks, now all I've got left to do is get some of the more perishable items like Wine, Champagne and various Christmas foods for the big family dinner on the 25th, and Port and Irish Cream for myself, and a Birthday present for my brother whose birthday falls as fate would have it next month.

If I were you, I would focus more on your studies above 'The Magician's Nephew', and don't listen to any nay sayers when they unfairly critisise your work on the films, I can't imagine how much work goes into the films and not everyone is fluent in the use of computer film making software, you do what you can with what you have and as always I am eternally grateful for your unforgettable effort in this. Besides if you weren't doing it who else would?

I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and God Bless ;) .
My First Set Of Assignments....

So, studies have certainly become harder. I mean, these assignments i do gets a lot of marks to add to the final grade. After this course, i will be reaching University to undertake a degree on Multimedia Technology and Applications.

My first set off assignments are to be submitted in February, after this its mostly going to be exams. This means i wouldn't be stressed out as much, and probably will start implementing episode 3.

Also, it has been decided to create Aslan with basic that means it wont be a work of art :(.....this also means to make him walk etc. will take some time but can be done :)

So, finally i can see episode 3 coming soon now!!!!

I thought i'd share this with everyone, that I found this forum from viewing the 'fan made' magician's nephew.

Does anyone know if episode 3 will be released?
Ok, that was great. I saw the two episodes and read all pages of posts (minus the cereal conversations and such) I think you did a great job ali. Keep it up. I read a post of someone saying not to waste time with this as this was not very professional. Of course no one said it was a professional project. It is a fan-made movie, not a big studio production.
Anyway, great job so far. Nice following the story as it is in the book.
It's been a while since episode 2 hasn't it?;)
Hi people!

Thanks for your replies! Reason why its taking so long for episode 3 is due to modelling Aslan!

However, since I am in my first year of Uni, one particular module has taught students how to use a professional program known as 3D Studio Max. Of course, from using this software, it is possible to actually create Aslan! But, at this time of the year, its getting closer to the 'end of year exams' and hopefully once their done. I will make start on episode 3.

Thanks to all!
Well, get done with your school work first. I think that should be your priority. I think people waited a long time for this, a little longer won't make a difference. Good luck on your final exams!