Magician's Nephew - My future project!

I loved this episode.

My fave bits were:
- creation of Narnia.
- Aslan's voice
- Strawberry - who looked brill!!
- and Aunt Letty's bit. I thought that was done really well!
Amazing! Finally I sat down and watched a bit(only a random minute) but it is AMAZING! I must watch more now - to see the creation of the animals, the woods between the worlds, Jadis, Aslan! Everything and one! It would be(have you gotten that far?) even more amazing - the animation is amazing, the whole thing!
Can't wait to watch more(but have to, LOL!)
Ali. I just wanted to run here and post to say that I am so happy things worked out for you and that you did well on your first year at the university. congratulations.

I am off to watch the third episode, as well as the first and second one. Thanks for all your hard work. I will come back to post a review. later.
Double post sorry. I wanted to say that I watched episode 3 and it was awesome! Nice work Ali.
John, you made an excellent Aslan. Really great voice. Now I will be waiting for episode 4.
Again, great work.
Hey thanks!

Well, Uni starts at the end of September, Im hoping episode 4 will finish before then......otherwise.......the release date could be pushed till December :eek:!!! (as December will be my next set of holidays etc.) But hopefully, that wont happen.

Lately, episode 2 has not been posted I had little experience in audio back then, the sound quality was not very good. Therefore, I have decided to re-master the audio. The release date for episode 2 will be around when Episode 4 is nearly finished etc.

Again, thanks for the positive comment.
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I haven't seen the remastered episode 1 but I will watch it soon. I hope you get to finish 4 before you go back to school, but if you don't don't worry. We can still wait. Still it would be great to see 4 soon.
Episode 4

Well.....This will be the last episode, however, it is harder than I thought. Much more animation is required, more scenery/landscape etc.

The script hasn't been finalised yet, therefore, I haven't recorded any voices yet for episode 4.

Also, I have to upload the 'wrong parts' (funny voice actor mistakes). That would annoy the cast, but memories will be memories lol. So far, I can't upload any images for the 4th episode, its not at that stage yet!

Possible release date prediction......still unknown. It could take time....
It's ok. Don't rush it. I know it will turn out ok. When you said the "voice mistakes" did you mean you will include "bloopers?" Because that would be cool!
Well I've got to say this; 'FANTASTIC!!!'

Thank you Ali ;), and all involved!

John H. Burkitt (One of the best Aslan's I've ever heard)
Fariha Javed
Mariam Medhi
Burak Ucurel
Olgun Ucurel
Albert Mason
Rosie Javed
Irene Jones

Thank you all, and God Bless!
I think we should nominate them for Oscars. John in the best Male Voice in an Animated Movie and ali for best Animated Movie!!