Blimey Ali that's a tough one! I like the slow but gradual pace of the first episode, as it introduced the situation, but overall I'd have to say that I prefer the faster technique of episode 2, it also had the best music too and I also like how you incorporated Tumnus's music into the first film and the eerie music you used at the beginning of the first episode. I also preferred the sets of the first episode.
You're also going to have to introduce Aunt Letty, Digory's mother some policemen and Frank the cabbie, also the shop keeper who had a a necklace stolen from his shop by Jadis. I don't have to tell you that this will be a tough one Ali! As Jadis will be riding Strawberry who eventually becomes Fledge father of all winged horses, and you'll probably have to draw some ransoms, the wreckage of a Victorian style cab or something similar and you'll have to draw a lot more people too. So please take your time

Plus keep posting messages at the beginning of each episode please.