Magician's Nephew - My future project!

Starbuck said:
I don't suppose you remember a cereal called 'Chex?' Lattice like cereal puffs and there were two varieties; crunchy nut and frosted.

Nope sorry, If its from the US, I probably dont know.

MAN, you really made me want to get ice cream (popsicle) now.

Also starbuck, have you seen this BBC show known as 'red dwarf'?
ali_f said:
Nope sorry, If its from the US, I probably dont know.

MAN, you really made me want to get ice cream (popsicle) now.

Also starbuck, have you seen this BBC show known as 'red dwarf'?

Seen it? I Frakking love it! I like all the seasons except for the one where Chris Barrie/Rimmer was absent and was replaced by Kochanski. For me the show became dismal and just died in that season, and poor old Lister was just poor old Lister, he was just like Laurel without Ollie when Rimmer was absent plus they killed off 'Ace' too :mad: .

But when they produced the more recent season and resurrected the original Rimmer that brought me back! Rimmer the straight man to Listers casual insane antics, LOL! No wonder Holly made a hologram of him to keep Lister sane! I have only seen a few episodes of that season though.
Starbuck said:
Seen it? I Frakking love it! I like all the seasons except for the one where Chris Barrie/Rimmer was absent and was replaced by Kochanski. For me the show became dismal and just died in that season, and poor old Lister was just poor old Lister, he was just like Laurel without Ollie when Rimmer was absent plus they killed off 'Ace' too :mad: .

But when they produced the more recent season and resurrected the original Rimmer that brought me back! Rimmer the straight man to Listers casual insane antics, LOL! No wonder Holly made a hologram of him to keep Lister sane! I have only seen a few episodes of that season though.

LOL, have you seen that episode when time starts reversing? It was funny to see Cat enter the Loo!

Anyway, BBC made some good comedies back in the days. They need to start those classics up again!
SakuraJapan66 said:
Have u got to when they see aslan?

No not yet.....But i can imagine that will take me a VERY long time. Because Aslan will be created from scratch, meaning i will have to animate 21 objects per frame.....whew....

I will tell you something that irratates me. The picture quality on google video is not that great. The original copy i have has rich colours and does not skip any frames.

Oh well, perhaps in the future i might consider streaming the original copy.
ali_f said:
LOL, have you seen that episode when time starts reversing? It was funny to see Cat enter the Loo!

Anyway, BBC made some good comedies back in the days. They need to start those classics up again!

Here's another message for future episodes; 'Bring back Allo Allo!'
Starbuck said:
Ali I've edited my earlier post referring to Narnia websites and corrected; so now you can click on that link and go there as I miss-typed the website link.

Thats fine, I will soon start on episode 3. The hardest thing in an animation is to do the beginning.

Anyway, I need to ask all you guys a question in order to help me create episode 3:

Which episode had a better 'theme' e.g. music, animation, locations etc. Episode 1 or 2.

Your result will help me understand in what theme i should put in episode 3.

Episode 1 or 2.


(PS: this will also result in changes for Aslan, so pick wisely)
ali_f said:
Thats fine, I will soon start on episode 3. The hardest thing in an animation is to do the beginning.

Anyway, I need to ask all you guys a question in order to help me create episode 3:

Which episode had a better 'theme' e.g. music, animation, locations etc. Episode 1 or 2.

Your result will help me understand in what theme i should put in episode 3.

Episode 1 or 2.


(PS: this will also result in changes for Aslan, so pick wisely)

Blimey Ali that's a tough one! I like the slow but gradual pace of the first episode, as it introduced the situation, but overall I'd have to say that I prefer the faster technique of episode 2, it also had the best music too and I also like how you incorporated Tumnus's music into the first film and the eerie music you used at the beginning of the first episode. I also preferred the sets of the first episode.

You're also going to have to introduce Aunt Letty, Digory's mother some policemen and Frank the cabbie, also the shop keeper who had a a necklace stolen from his shop by Jadis. I don't have to tell you that this will be a tough one Ali! As Jadis will be riding Strawberry who eventually becomes Fledge father of all winged horses, and you'll probably have to draw some ransoms, the wreckage of a Victorian style cab or something similar and you'll have to draw a lot more people too. So please take your time ;) .

Plus keep posting messages at the beginning of each episode please.
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Starbuck said:
Blimey Ali that's a tough one! I like the slow but gradual pace of the first episode, as it introduced the situation, but overall I'd have to say that I prefer the faster technique of episode 2, it also had the best music too and I also like how you incorporated Tumnus's music into the first film and the eerie music you used at the beginning of the first episode. I also preferred the sets of the first episode.

You're also going to have to introduce Aunt Letty, Digory's mother some policemen and Frank the cabbie, also the shop keeper who had a a necklace stolen from his shop by Jadis. I don't have to tell you that this will be a tough one Ali! As Jadis will be riding Strawberry who eventually becomes Fledge father of all winged horses, and you'll probably have to draw some ransoms, the wreckage of a Victorian style cab or something similar and you'll have to draw a lot more people too. So please take your time ;) .

Plus keep posting messages at the beginning of each episode please.

Thanks, I really appreciate that. Anyway, its coming near for the development of episode 3, and yes its true, it will be difficult. I can imagine from here, the following episodes will take some time to create. I mean, creating a flying horse, special affects and a swinging lamp post!

Lets just say its possible, however, it will take perhaps.....two months for the next episode to be released. I will try my best since so far....(hopefully)....the story is being explained well. I can't screw up now.
I really liked this episode, I liked it better than the first one, this has more action and suspense in it - Thanks a lot for posting :D
So Where Have I Got To?

As those who have read the book, you would know that episode 3 will consist of many characters. Thanks for starbuck who has reminded me what the 'cabby' will turn out to be, I have to choose the right type of character.

Episode 3 will....well....contain destructive scenes. So that means more animating frames. I just hope it goes well! I'm just reading the chapter again to create the scenes etc. And i guess Aslan might appear in this episode!

More updates coming soon
So ali any idea of how many episodes you plan to create based on 'The Magician's Nephew?' By the way do you plan to create any other Narnian stories after this?
Starbuck said:
So ali any idea of how many episodes you plan to create based on 'The Magician's Nephew?' By the way do you plan to create any other Narnian stories after this?

Well......With episode 2 i have reached almost halfway (through the book). At the current moment, due to the events that would take place in ep 3, I am still creating a storyboard for it. But as i promised, in the future i will keep you updated (screenshots etc).

Also, once i finish 'the magician's nephew' series, we will see then whether I will create animation for other Narnia books......So I dont really have a straight answer ;)

Anyway more updates coming soon :)