Magician's Nephew - My future project!

ali_f said:
Episode 2 was momentarily online for at least 5 minutes before i decided to take it off air. The reason was that the sound was coming after the picture in a gap of 2 seconds. So i fixed that and am starting to post it online.

I am confident that there will be no problem this time.

(I hope Google Video wont take too long)

More updates coming soon!
oh ok cool :D
Episode 2 is verified by Google Video! Woo Hoo!

Yes its true. This means that episode 2 will be published very, very shortly. The only problem is that it is 10:30 PM in London and i am dog tired. So I might send a link for it tommorow. It depends how long google video will take to put it online (which is probably not long now since its verified).

Anyway, if i dont post soon, it means that I am snoring away, otherwise I will post a link for it in a couple of hours.

However, I like to make a statement (which i would do in every episode):

Queen Jadis wont be wearing the traditional robes and crown due to the hard animation i would have to put on to it. Also, since i got to create an Aslan, I think the animation for the Lion will be EXTREMELY difficult, reason why I dont want to spend to much times on robes/crown etc.

Anyway after showing the episode 2 to 'someone', i recieved good reviews for it! That also reminds me that please try to leave some feedback for the animation, if possible rate the thread or reputation. I would be much appreciative.

Anyway, look forward soon, Episode 2 is very close for its release!
Episode 2!

Here is the link for episode 2. I hope you enjoy it! Please leave feedback of the animation, and if possible either rate this thread/reputation. I will be much appreciative.

Here is the link:

As i mentioned before, try to understand the reason why the queen will not be wearing any crown or robes. It will require a lot af animation, which i have to save for Aslan.

Ali I am honored to be part of the fan list, and even more so having been credited with the 'Special Thanks' list and I thank you for that
, but I am wondering what did I do to be a part of the 'Special Thanks' list?
Starbuck said:
'Bring back Funny Foot?'

LOL, it was one of my favorite ice cream. Unfortunately it is not available here anymore :( I hope they bring it back.

Its the same for 'Lucky Charms' cereal......I really miss that too :(
~JadisTheWhiteWitch~ said:
where I live we have Lucky Charms cereal

Lucky you......they stopped making it here in the UK because the sales were low :(

Last time i had it was when i was at least about.......5 yrs old......I should import one from the US. Just for fun....
It would be nice if you said in one of your little messages; 'Bring back the original Battlestar Galactica!' and/or 'The A-Team ROCKS!' The first suggestion is purely frivelous and shouldn't be taken seriously. It would be pretty neat if you could mention; 'Interact with fellow Narnia fans at;, and at the beginning and end of each episode.

If any fans out there can mention any other Narnia websites I haven't mentioned please mention them.
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ali_f said:
Lucky you......they stopped making it here in the UK because the sales were low :(

Last time i had it was when i was at least about.......5 yrs old......I should import one from the US. Just for fun....
lol that would be funny I'm in the US:D
Starbuck said:
It would be nice if you said in one of your little messages; 'Bring back the original Battlestar Galactica!' and/or 'The A-Team ROCKS!' The first suggestion is purely frivelous and shouldn't be taken seriously. It would be pretty neat if you could mention; 'Interact with fellow Narnia fans at;, and' at the beginning and end of each episode.

If any fans out there can mention any other Narnia websites I haven't mentioned please mention them.

Yeah i should do that.....OK next episodes then......Although i was thinking of one:

'Why Aren't BBC Making This'

LOL, that would be a dream come true, since the technology is way more advanced :)
ali_f said:
LOL, it was one of my favorite ice cream. Unfortunately it is not available here anymore :( I hope they bring it back.

Its the same for 'Lucky Charms' cereal......I really miss that too :(

Now come to think of it, I think I do remember a foot shaped ice cream when I was a very young child. I think I had one and it gave me a really bad brain freeze :eek: . You could even get a cola flavoured 'Mr-T' shaped ice lolly, now that was the cool thing to try at the time.
ali_f said:
Yeah i should do that.....OK next episodes then......Although i was thinking of one:

'Why Aren't BBC Making This'

LOL, that would be a dream come true, since the technology is way more advanced :)

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Starbuck said:
Now come to think of it, I think I do remember a foot shaped ice cream when I was a very young child. I think I had one and it gave me a really bad brain freeze :eek: . You could even get a cola flavoured 'Mr-T' shaped ice lolly, now that was the cool thing to try at the time.

Woo hoo, someone remembers it :D . Thats the one! Again, it is something i had many years ago.....when i was eight or something. I love the taste and would die for another one.
I don't suppose you remember a cereal called 'Chex?' Lattice like cereal puffs and there were two varieties; crunchy nut and frosted.