Chincoteague Island, Virginia. That is actually the nearby state park of Assateague Island. Or maybe that's Maryland... It's Maryland. That is Assateague Island State Park, Maryland. It's the same Island, but they states separated them with a fence.
These are from the same area.
Original shot.
To the above comments
Thank you
Yes, anything in particular?
and Thank you.
I have been very busy and I haven't had time to upload anything new to photobucket.( They also sent me an email telling me my account was almost full and something about waiting till a certain date and not being able to see pictures.) But here are a few older things, but I have made A LOT more. I'll upload when I have time.
Thanks! I like the bird one a lot too. That's good to know about the Photobucket thing. I thought they might count all of the files in all of the albums.