Merging The Narnia Series With Unrelated Books


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What types of books can be merged and what characters will be composited?

For me, I pretty much have to go with a story that blends Narnia with Oz

Like the Lion of Oz as the same Character as Aslan but is different in backstory and unrelated and becoming an allegory rather than an outright depiction of someone else and it does bring a developing story of one conquering their fears and becoming the savior of legend

And even having Tash as being worshiped by the Nomes of Oz rather than a stereotype society, Tash can even be merged with other book villains as well for some stronger presence if we go with comic, imagine if Tash is merged with Alioth from Marvel which will bring some sort of abomination nature

Now which books will you have Narnia get merged with?
This is my moment to plug my on-forum serial, "Spacebullies Two, the Search for More Parody."

In my "never-ending story," characters from proper Star Wars meet characters from Mel Brooks' Spaceballs who meet characters from "Dune" who meet characters from D.C. comics who meet characters from Marvel Comics who meet characters from "Starship Troopers" who meet characters from Babylon Five who meet characters from John Ringo's "Posleen War" novels who might eventually meet characters from "Sailor Moon" who definitely meet characters from He-Man and She-Ra cartoons.
I imagined Lucy being informed she was accepted to Hogwarts when she was old enough. Interestingly, this would put her first year at Voldemort's sixth year, just months after he opened the Chamber of Secrets and Myrtle was killed and Hagrid expelled and the year he was made prefect.
Mrs. LeFay, Uncle Andrew's godmother who bequeathed him the dust was the last of the bloodline of Numenor in Lord of the Rings ( with the dust being from Numemor) and her and the secret of forging of Rings of Power came from Sauron.

I also imagined Professor Kirke having been school chums at university with Professor Elwin Ransom from Out of the Silent Planet and Alwin Arundel Lowdham from Tolkien's unfinished Notion Club Papers, thereby connecting the Space Trilogy and LOTR.
Vera Lynn was a terrific performer; she was perfect with Danny Kaye.

Meanwhile, since multiverses are in fashion, I would like to see Aslan's faithful servants being assisted by the DC superhero Hawkman, as portrayed by Aldis Hodge in "Black Adam."
So what about character merge

Like maybe The Cowardly Lion of Oz having his name be revealed as Aslan (And being his own character as a result)

In a more conquering your fears and developing to be the savior character
That would work if there was no concern for Mister Lewis' intent.

To make sure I didn't misunderstand you, are you suggesting that THE Aslan would be imagined as needing to overcome cowardice?

A character developing into something greater is the very heart of good literature. But Aslan IS JESUS CHRIST, the Second Person of the Trinity. Having completed His earthly life already, He has drawn mortal experience INTO His God-status. He can't develop any further, because He is already perfect in every way. His role all through the Chronicles is the role of a perfect Being MINISTERING TO fallible mortals.

Mister Lewis wrote something to the effect that you can't save others from drowning if you're in the midst of drowning yourself. The Lord Jesus, both in His known existence and in His imagined "supplementary incarnation" as Aslan, can redeem others BECAUSE He doesn't need to be redeemed Himself. As the actual Jesus, He said that it's the sick who need a doctor; He sure didn't say that the sick should BE the doctor.
It may actually work if Aslan is depicted as a separate character from Jesus

And the sick being a doctor sounds like an interesting idea, Like the doctor being formerly sick only to recover and saving others from the same former sickness as the doctor
It may actually work if Aslan is depicted as a separate character from Jesus.

Like if Bruce Wayne is a separate character from Batman? That's actually MORE feasible.

Mister Lewis deliberately depicted Aslan as LITERALLY BEING Jesus, not just somebody who was kind of nice and sort of like Jesus. If you take away the identity of Jesus, there IS NO Aslan, just a talking lion who is no more special than a helpful N.P.C. creature in a Dungeons & Dragons campaign.
Presley Smith (Sunny Baudelaire) as Netflix's Lucy? That would be a nice curio.

(OT: i despise the modern trend of using masculine coded family names like Presley as given names for girls).

Presley can actually sound female coded as a given name

Now we could go with some merges that can actually work and can go to areas

Like what characters would end up merged with a Pevensie Sibling?
Sarah Crewe from "A Little Princess" had her father go to India for work. Digory's father did the same thing. Maybe during their time in India, the men came to become good friends and Digory's father helped in finding Sarah after he got back. After she was found, he introduced Digory and Polly to Sarah and they all became good friends. When Sarah grows up, she marries Mr. Pevensie and they are the parents of Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy.