Misery Business (a RPG)

Brianna placed her hand into Ryan's. "I was thinking seeing as I've just moved her and all that maybe I should have a big party and invite all the guys from school. It'd be a great way to get to know everybody. Wht do you think Ryan?" she asked him.
She smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "Cassie I'm gonna have a party in two days just to get to know everyone. Would you like to come?" she asked nicely.
Cassie shrugged "Sounds good to me" with a half-hearted smile
'Well maybe Brianna isn't so bad' Cassie thought but it still didn't help the fact that she was practically in love with Ryan.
"Well of course we are" Brianna said grabbing her bag from the back seat. "Now I better to get class but I'll see you at lunch. Meet me here" she said kissing him not bothered that Cassie was there before she walked away.