Misery Business (a RPG)

"Good" Cassie lied. She was really sad jealous and frustrated because Brianna had the one thing she wanted.
"You know Eliza is really getting into the party planning thing so you better be there. If not she might attack you" Cassie said jokingly.

ooc- I'm making a new character

name- Eliza Hamilton
age- 17
short description- Eliza is VERY hyper and outgoing she loves to have fun. Eliza loves to take charge of things and can be somewhat bossy and OCD-ish but shes super sweet. Eliza is known for her outrageous attitude and her unique fashion sense. Eliza also has a weird obsession with skittles she will do almost anything for skittles; she constantly eating them.
ooc- Well Ryan and Cassie were talking and Ryan is going over Cassie's house after school.

Cassie pulled away from the hug
"Arrg. stupid math" Cassie said rolling her eyes remembering that she forgot to do her homework
ooc:Oh okay. thanks.

ic: Brianna was sitting in class not listening to a word the teacher was saying but planning her party. 'It has to be better than any party anyone has ever thrown' she thought to herself smuggingly.