Mod Q&A Thread II

Technically they can, but they just get a screen which tells them they are banned, and they can't view anything else.

So in effect, they can't really log in, but physically, they can.

Also, if they do log in, their name doesn't come up on the "who's online" section at the bottom of the main page.
That's interesting, I thought I'd seen banned members on the "who's on now" place before... it just says "________", and the letters are the same color as the background.
The old posts of banned members do stay up, assuming that they are not individually deleted, so those posts might be what you're seeing.
A true member will get lots of warnings before being banned. "False members", which are artificial accounts created by spam bots for the purpose of posting spam on the forum, are banned without comment.

How do you know? We have our ways, we mods. The inimitable Magister Eveningstar is a master at figuring out the wicked ways of spambots.
Hey chels, what's up with the reputation box. How does one get it to be green? and why so few people have it?
If your reputation box is green, that means you have an unread reputation, I believe...if your box is not lit up (like mine:rolleyes: haha) then you either do not have any reputations, or you have no unread ones.

is anyone still here?

I think I'm still here...are YOU still here?
Is there really a Mod Lounge? O.o

...No, there isn't. *nods*:D (it has purple curtains and a sticky soda machine with something living behind it...I had to try to clean it, because I'm the newest mod. :rolleyes:)

Don't ask... they'll keep you wondering with dark hints for the rest of your life. :rolleyes: Trust me.


Yes, trust Lauren. He's gotten the most dark hints of them all.:p