Mod Q&A Thread II

Let me be the first to ask all you new mods a question....

What is your favorite color? :D
It depends. For me it all goes back to ancient history, before you were born but after I was, 1977. Back then I was still a youngling and was taken to see this new phenomenon called La Guerra de las Galaxias: Una Nueva Esperanza. Which in this common language means something like Galaxy Wars: One New Hope. I didn't like the color of El Invasor Oscuro's light saber (Invasor Oscuro=Dark Invader=Darth Vader) but, like everyone else, I liked the color of that cocky kid's one. I have been wishing really hard for Luke's light saber since then but I guess all that it accomplished was for my TDL name to magically change to that color.
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My favorite color is dark green.

The history of that color is as follows: When I was 11-ish, I liked soldiers and fort-building and other things that involved dirt and disturbed my mother. So I liked woods, and woods are green and brown. I said those were my favorite colors and even had the orthodontist put green and brown rubber bands around my braces. Then age got to me, and I decided brown was no longer my favorite color. The green, however, has survived.
My favorite color is dark green.

My story is fairly similar to Glen's: I was a tomboy, which didn't disturb my mother that much since she already had two daughters and two sons, I was free to be as boyish as I wanted. I was also (and still am) completely and utterly obsessed with the Lord of the Rings and anything remotely related to fantasy. My favorite characters were rangers and elves, the kind who could hide like two feet away from you and you didn't know they were there. A good color to wear when you're a ranger is dark green. Plus lime green is ugly.

Reference picture for an excellent use of this color by my favorite ranger:


  • Faramir-faramir-9716911-1024-768.jpg
    93.3 KB · Views: 59
I don't think that Faramir technically counts as a ranger. Of course, that picture is of the imposter known as Far-from-the-book-amir. A very different person.
My favorite color?

I don't really have one, although my Least Favorites include yellow especially mustard >.<, orange, brown and chartreuse (or whatever you call that fluorescent lime green). The house my family now lives in, though, does have one pale yellow bedroom/walkway -- but that's because my daughter's favorite color happens to be yellow, and when we bought the house her bedroom was olive drab and that particular hall was band-aid beige :eek:.

Pale yellow was a definite improvement.
I don't think that Faramir technically counts as a ranger. Of course, that picture is of the imposter known as Far-from-the-book-amir. A very different person.

What Faramir do you know? He's in charge of the rangers of Ithilien. :p

And while I agree about the horrendous things done to his character in the film, I believe David Wenham was still an excellent casting choice so I see no problem with using his image.
My favorite color is green (though I love most neutral colors as well). It makes me happy. I like Lord of the Rings, too... But, I was always way more interested in Frodo than Faramir...
My favorite color is dark green.

My story is fairly similar to Glen's: I was a tomboy, which didn't disturb my mother that much since she already had two daughters and two sons, I was free to be as boyish as I wanted. I was also (and still am) completely and utterly obsessed with the Lord of the Rings and anything remotely related to fantasy. My favorite characters were rangers and elves, the kind who could hide like two feet away from you and you didn't know they were there. A good color to wear when you're a ranger is dark green. Plus lime green is ugly.

Amen. Down with all light-bright greens.

Aragorn's cloak is supposed to be green, too, aparently--not that it really looks it.

I like Frodo and Faramir and Galadriel, and please don't make me pick. But I think Finrod is my all-time favorite Tolkien character.
Read through some of Freckles' deleted posts. Why she deleted them, I fail to understand. They were delightful. In her honor, however, I have left them as is....

So, mods, does a ducky go quack?

Yeah, I never really understood why HB didn't get asked that question immediately.

Duffer duckies do not quack because WarriorSatyr just stuffed them all inside the Can. They are suffocating, and the Can is being internally beaten by many webbed orange feet. This is sacrilege.
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I reject your implications that I would dishonor the Can! Maybe you put te ducks in there to frame me! If I was going to vandalise something, I would do it with Peanut-Butter.
Why are threads from over 7-8 years ago being resurrected and locked?
Because the new mods are so much younger and more energetic than the old ones! They have undertaken a couple tasks that really needed doing -- inactive threads locked up and moved to the Cair Paravel Library and multiple threads on the same subjects merged. This tidies up the forum and also helps it run better. Hats off to the new mods! They are doing a wonderful job. And they're so cute, too. :)

And nice to see you here Holly.
Question: What's the most interesting thing you've done with your new modly powers so far?

I've done a lot of deleting double posts, but that's not interesting. The thing I was most excited about was posting in locked threads and changing my user title. You already knew about those, but they're still the most interesting to me.

So, mods, does a ducky go quack?

*Eats ducky* *Eats Lonny* I'll let you go figure out.

Why are threads from over 7-8 years ago being resurrected and locked?

Because people are overachievers. I'd like to get in on it now that I'm back from vacation.

Wow! Congrats, you guys! :-D I am happy to see the forum in the hands of such as you.

*Eats Derny* Thanks! That means a lot from you, your majesty. ^_^