Mutants(like X-Men) II

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New member
MOD EDIT: This thread was too big and I had to split it. However, to keep the bios would take too much time, as I would have to go through every post and split the thread. It might be a good idea if the creator of the thread goes back into the old Mutants thread (located in the Cair Paravel Library) and copy-paste the bios in the first post. Sorry for the trouble. :( ~HB

This is bascially like X-Men. You are going to the school for Mutanats and
you will see Storm,Logan,etc. If you would like to roleplay one of the proginal characters(like storm,etc)please PM me first but if you make it up yourself
you don't have to PM me. Please make an interesting plot for your character.

Nickname: InVisi Girl
Name: Destiny
Age: 16
Power: can turn invisble like Violet and Invisble Women
Bio: Destiny can turn invisble when she wants to and loves to learn about other mutants. She loves to sing and draw.
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Carmen got up went the kitchen to get something to eat"Chris do you need anything?," she ask,grabbing some food then came back to him.
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Carmen got up went the kitchen to get something to eat.
" Chris do you need any thing,?" she ask grabbing some food,
walking back to them.

Chris merely shook his head in response.
"No," he stated somewhat quietly. "I'm not hungry right now."
In honest truth, Chris did not know what he felt like. He was still slightly reeling from being a father of two babies.

OOC: My original Character Bio...

Name:Christopher (Chris) Reeves
Power: Can fuse metal components onto his body.
Bio: Uses his power to weild metal components as a weapon or as armour. He used to be a bully in his normal school, it was the only way he coped with being differant. Is a bit of a loner, despite he is surrounded by mutants like himself. Likes to waste his spare time by either sitting under a tree or playing videogames.
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She came back to the room watching him.
" you doing a good job Chris," she said brushing his hair out of his face,
she sat next to him rocking Angel.
Chris shrugged his shoulders.
"Beats doing a bad job," he stated, a slight quiver in his voice as he said it.
Chris smiled slightly at Carmen.
Carmen laugh.
" Chris what are thinking,?" she ask still rocking Angel in her arms,
she look down with her eyes close with a sigh.
" Chris I know you scared but it well be all right you not your father," she told him laying her head on his shoulder.
Carmen laugh.
" Chris what are thinking,?" she ask still rocking Angel in her arms,
she look down with her eyes close with a sigh.
" Chris I know you scared but it well be all right you not your father," she told him laying her head on his shoulder.

"Penny for my thoughts, hmm?" asked Chris, still smiling.
He did not say anything else until Carmen said that thing about his father.
He looked thoughtful and sad, as if wondering to himself.
"No, I know I'm not," he suddenly replied solemly.
Chris allowed her to rest her head upon his shoulder. He knew she needed the comfort, maybe he needed it more.
She hook her arm into his.
" Good I'm glad you know that," she said with a smile,
she close her eyes again thinking about her father treas rolled down her cheek.
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She hook her arm into his.
" Good I'm glad you know that," she said with a smile,
she close her eyes again thing about her father treas rolled down her cheek.

Chris did not respond to this. He merely smiled at Carmen and then glanced at the babies in his and Carmens arms.
Chris had noticed the tears rolling down Carmen's cheeks, but had mistaken them for tears of happiness.
She look up at him.
" Chris want to see something?," she ask getting up and putting Angel in his bed.

Chris looked at Carmen as she asked this, having gotten up and placing Angel upon their bed.
"Depends what it is," he stated wearily, but curiously aswell.
She grabbed him by the arm.
" just come they be all right Holgram can watch them," she said with a weak smile on her face.
She grabbed him by the arm.
" just come they be all right Holgram can watch them," she said with a weak smile on her face.

"Uh, okay," replied Chris as he gently put Hellow onto the bed beside Angel. Chris got up and allowed himself to be dragged by Carmen, who had gotten ahold of his arm.
She stop at the fire place.
" there that is my father who tried to kill me because of my powers," she said pointing at a pic of a men.
She stop at the fire place.
" there that is my father who tried to kill me because of my powers," she said pointing at a pic of a men.

Chris glanced at the picture, he shuddered slightly, feeling a shadow slip across his mind. For some reason, it reminded him of his own father.
"But why would he want to kill you?" asked Chris automaticlly, not really noticing he asked it, his eyes still fixed to thee picture.
She trun aroud looking at him.
" because he the one give me this that way so he thought to kill me he well for get he did it to me," she said still with treas comeing down her cheek but this time was made of ice.
She trun aroud looking at him.
" because he the one give me this that way so he thought to kill me he well for get he did it to me," she said still with treas comeing down her cheek but this time was made of ice.

Chris looked forlornly at Carmen.
"I'm sorry, I did not know," he stated, lifting up his gloved hand, Chris touched Carmen's ice-stained cheek.
Removing his gloved hand from Carmen's face, Chris removed the glove with his other hand and gently cupped Carmen's cheek with his hand, ignoring the coldness it made his hand feel.
She smiled
" that's all right Chis no one knows about my past," she said with a sofe tone in her voice the floor trun to ice.
Chris smiled slightly, then stopped smiling.
"We all do, Carmen. It isn't something to be ashamed of," he replied back softly.
On impulse, Chris leaned forward and gently brushed his lips with Carmen's.
He did not know why he did it, but maybe it was because there was something he could relate with Carmen. Maybe it was because he was practiclly almost her husband since they had babies. Or maybe it was simply because he loved her.
But, in that fleeting instant, Chris felt himself getting flushed and hot in the face, despite Carmen's cold lips were pressed against his slightly. But, Chris embraced the feeling, then after another second, he had pulled away, gently releasing the kiss.

OOC: lol, sorry, went a bit too luvy-duvy overboard there. lol.
OOC: lol that's fine

Carmen smiled the floor was made of ice.
" Chris I get something to eat want any thing?," she ask letting go of his arms her hair turn blue and spike up.
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