my little story for Alice in wonderland

You're welcome, Hannah. And since Tweedledee and Tweedledum were both guys, each might have fathered a set of twins. If you want a second pair to be male, they could be Tweedledon and Tweedledirk.
Elizabeth was not sure what to do now, but she just smiled at them then looked At her friend then back at the twins " Hello there I'm Elizabeth and I'm guessing you all ready know Chaster cat the second," Elizabeth told the twins.

" Ah, hello, Hello and well come we are Tweedledoris and Tweedledarcy and we are the twins of Tweedledee and Tweedledum," The twins told Elizabeth, with a bow " We are one and they are two," The twins told her.
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I'm a little confused by the we-they. Do you mean that Tweedledoris and Tweedledarcy will speak in plural even when speaking about only one of themselves?
After she talked the the twins she went off to see what else she could find. When she came to the end of the woods she looked around " Hm were should I go?," Elizabeth asked her friend, with her arms now crossed with a frown on her face.

" Well you could go see the Queen, but I warn you she isn't so nice," The CHESHIRE cat told her, with a frown.

Elizabeth nodded then went off to see the Queen of Heart " Oh, I don't see her doing anything, but sitting in an old rocking chair," Elizabeth told her friend, with a smile then walked into the garden.
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So Elizabeth has met a new Cat, a new Hatter, a new Hare, and new Tweedle-twins, but the Queen of Hearts is the same one Alice met?
The old Queen of Hearts looked at Elizabeth, then went back to sleep.When Elizabeth came closer to where the old Queen was, she stopped to think before she did anything dumb. Cheshire Cat the Second sighed, then went where the young prince was with a smile on her face. Elizabeth followed her friend, and moved within the prince's sight.

"Whom do we have here?" asked the young prince.

Elizabeth took a deep breath before she said anything. "I am Elizabeth, Your Highness," she told him, with a weak smile on her face. Adding a ladylike curtsey to him, she then looked at her friend with her arms crossed. "Is that old lady the one you tried to warn me about ?" asked Elizabeth.

"Yes, she is old, but still mean; if you don't watch out, she'll have your head the way she tried to take your mother's, and we do not want that, do we now?" said Cheshire Cat the Second.
The next place she saw after the Red Queen's house was a tall house which was all white. Like the Red Queen's home, it had an outer wall, so you could call it a castle. "Oh, goodness, look at that," Elizabeth exclaimed, coming a little closer to the castle. She looked around for awhile, thinking, "I wonder who or what lives here."

There was a gate standing open in the outer wall; no one stopped Elizabeth from walking through. When she was inside, the White Queen came to her with a kind smile on her face. "Oh, hello there," the White Queen said, now taking Elizabeth's hand. "I'm the White Queen, and this is my kingdom," the White Queen told her.

Elizabeth smiled with great relief at getting a friendly welcome for a change. "Hello, Your Majesty, I'm Elizabeth," she told her new hostess. "My mother visited Wonderland years ago; her name is Alice."