My own made banners. If you want some, I can help!

This is a pic made by Kingaslanofnarnia for KittyKat(Kara):

He doesnt think it any good.
He cam up with: This was only the beginning...All hope was born from his suffering!
Tell him its good!
Aravis of Archenland said:
Could you make me a Susan blend? One similar to the one that narnianmerchant has. My friend wants one because Susan's her fav character. Thanks. She does want pics of the coronation, with her bow and arrows, and the words Daughter of Eve on it.
Do you mean a siggy or an avatar?
Hello, I was wondering whether you could resize this pic so that it meets the 550 x 250 size requirements of the forum for banners. If you can, that would be awesome. Thanks very much. Here's the pic:

I'm working on it right now. I have only one you mind if I cut some parts of the pic? Otherwise the size would look weird. I will keep the letters and the link in the pic!
Peter lover said:
The dryadhobbit.....I have resized it like this:

Let me know if you are satisfied with it.

Yeah, it's ok if you cut some of it out when you resize it, as long as the words are there. I see you say you posted it, but I can't see it. Can anyone else? Is it just my computer? Can you please try posting it again, since I can't see it now? Thanks so much! :)
Can you make me a banner with Pictures of of the Pevensies as kings and queens, whe ther are older and younger?
And it can say "Once a King or Queen and Narnia, Always a King or Queen in Narnia"?
Peter lover said:
I just finished this one just because I wanted to make a banner with one of the greatest Elven kings.

how did you find so many pictures of him? you should have put part of his poem on here.