My own made banners. If you want some, I can help!

I have screencaps, so it won't be a problem but if you want me to use pics you found, it is good too. I will check for you to see if those brushes are also available for Gimp.
Thanks so much!!I couldn't find any ...and thanks for checking on the brushes!:D
I found this one of Rosie..but its not very clear..

Annon Nan Gladh hasn't capped this scene yet...
so I couldn't find it clear...I can find another scene...
Will the Sam/Elanor one work okay,please?I can find another if not.:)
I have the same pic too Snowy :D When I come home tomorrow, i will work on the other requests. I am off on monday so i have more time. In a meanwhile I continue my tributes. This time it is Boston. I blended two pics into each other and added a special effect and text :D :