Narnia Merchandise

she-elfwarrior19 said:
Yes right you are about spending, no but i have a very good saving thing...habit....what ever.

Remember when i posted like the big pictures for my narnia movie merchandise, and i had some toys too, well i found a few of the other ones and so i'll post the pics of them:)
I got the whole set of those:D
I buy LOTR stuff and mostly action figures. I have 105 already and there are two boxes coming. The Lothlorien set and the Pelennor Fields set.
I don't collect everything. But I think I want to buy the Gil-Galad one.
I once was going to but the pelenor set, but i decided i didnt really need it anyways, and i got over it and im glad i didnt buy it. I really would hopefully get the disney toy peter action figure, i have the edmund one already.
I have gotten a Peter one from hasbro when I was in London last year. My mom bought it for me. I want to collect narnia as well, but there aren't as much as LOTR.
Yes...the Pelennor fields thing was not completely necessary, but I saw the price was not high at all.
Peter lover said:
A room full with stuff and an empty bankaccount and less space for yourself :D
My brother already told me, my figures were pushing me out of my room.

When I had all that LOTR Sideshow statues and stuff, as well as this huge Toybiz collection, there was barely enough room to walk in that spare bedroom, which is now the Narnia room :). It was like walking in one of those crowded Chinese shops in San Fransisco's Chinatown never knew when something was going to fall over on you.