Narnia, Middle-Earth, and Star Wars


New member
I'm sure this has been done, but I have yet to find it. I always enjoy drawing similarities to the various books and movies I enjoy. And so I'd like to see what people have come up with that compares Narnia with Middle-Earth and Star Wars. (or what is comparable between Star Wars and Middle-Earth and so on) I would include religions within this, but there is already a section dedicated to that.

I have spent some time debating similarities of SW and LOTR with my nerdy friends, but since the Narnia movie has come out they have all become interested in Lewis as well. So now we combine all three.

Some of what I came up with is from pre-Narnia inclusions, such as:
Boromir = Lando Calrissian: Both wanted what was best for their people, despite their means of getting it. Boromir wanted to see Gondor restored to her glory and would go as far as to steal the Ring from Frodo. Lando wanted the people of Cloud City to continue a peaceful existence and was willing to turn his friend Han over to Darth Vader to ensure it. In the end both come around and see their folly. Though it was too late for Boromir, Lando was able to be of service to the Rebels by leading a fleet to destroy the second Death Star.
Now I am rather inclined to include Edmund into that category. More on him being somewhat like Boromir. It goes back to the religious backdrop of both. But Edmund and Boromir were both tempted and it caused them to act somewhat out of character. Both were saved from true evil in the end, but there was a price to pay. Boromir paid with his life and Aslan paid his life to save Edmund.

I have many more which I will share when time permits, but I'd like to see if anyone else has ever thought along these lines.
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Compare Peter Pevensie with Frodo. Frodo got the ring from Bilbo and against his nature, he was kinda forced to destroy the ring.
Edmund went to Jadis, and peter and his sisters couldn't do else than searching for him and Peter became a knight and when Aslan sacrificed himself for Edmund, Peter was forced to lead the army in a battle against jadis. And Gandalf knew Frodo could do it with the right people to help him and Aslan knew Peter could do it as well.

Then Smeagol was consumed by the ring which was evil and turned into Gollum. Anakin was taken by the dark side and turned into darth Vader. But both of them still had something good inside left.
Compare Peter Pevensie with Frodo. Frodo got the ring from Bilbo and against his nature, he was kinda forced to destroy the ring.
Edmund went to Jadis, and peter and his sisters couldn't do else than searching for him and Peter became a knight and when Aslan sacrificed himself for Edmund, Peter was forced to lead the army in a battle against jadis. And Gandalf knew Frodo could do it with the right people to help him and Aslan knew Peter could do it as well.

Then Smeagol was consumed by the ring which was evil and turned into Gollum. Anakin was taken by the dark side and turned into darth Vader. But both of them still had something good inside left.

Oh yeah. I forgot about Smeagol/Anakin.
Can Sauron and Palpatine be linked together? and Jadis too. Forgot about her.
Indeed I always thought of Sauron and Palpatine together. And then Saruman and Vader together. I mean Darth Vader and Saruman were both lesser evils who were once good.

Also I think Mara Jade and Jadis can be comparable. It's a bit of a stretch, but I link them because they're both powerful women and rather evil. Though Mara is extremely different because she eventually takes the path of light whereas Jadis does not. That's a more obscure link, but in a strange way I think it works.
Yes, palpatine and Sauron can indeed be linked together. Both were evil and in ROTS, we saw palpatine behaving normally towards Anakin. He was kind and gentle, but was a dark monster inside. Sauron also pretended he was good. We read that in the Silmarillion. Gil-Galad didn't trust him and looked through his mask.
We can also place the Witch-King and Darth Maul together. Both evil servants of the Dark Lords. Both hunting the good ones to kill them.

What if we compare movie Pippin with Jar-Jar? Both a bit silly and sometimes a stand in the way.
My brother was watching star wars yesterday after school. I got to thinking that perhaps several thousands of years into the futer of middle earth, star wars took place. and perhaps Count Duku was the return of Saruman since they are played by the same actor. lol.:rolleyes:
ARen't I a bright child. Wow my grammer there was atrocious. And yes we could have Pippen and Jar-jar be contemporaries of each other. It would work rather well. :rolleyes:
Eowyn and Padmé. They both were female and both knew how to fight.
You are a bright child.......:D You did your homeweork very well. But who would Merry be compared with?
Meridoc? Good question. Hmm. He needs someone who is reletively serious though still knows how to provoke trouble. Hmmm. Maby Luke? No. I cant think of anyone right now.:(
Eowyn and Padmé. They both were female and both knew how to fight.
Really? Padme was far more reluctant to fight whereas Eowyn was looking for one. I'd say Eowyn is closer to Leia or her daughter, Jaina.

I say Susan is pretty close to Padme though. They were both gentle and caring and fought only when they had too.
I'm going to go for the obvious here and say Yoda and Gandalf and Luke and Frodo and we can thanks the obvious thanks to the hero cycle.

Also Peter, Aragorn, and Obi-Wan can be linked together. Young Obi-Wan more so than the original. Men, fighters, want to do what's right and save as many people as they can. And for just Aragorn and Peter they have that king thing going for them.