Narnia, Middle-Earth, and Star Wars

And then there was another enemy. The evil dark Emperor.

Steve felt he was in way over his head and just wanted to go home. But the Ewoks and Hobbits needed his help against these foes. So he was joined by a wizard, a ranger, a jedi, a centaur, and a smuggler. Together they would right these wrongs and destroy the evil.
Their were also random hobbits that pledged their feilty to stopping all forms of evil coming to their planet.:rolleyes:
One of the hobbits was Frodo Baggins who just got a very strange weapon of his unle Bilbo. It was called a mystic lightsaber. Frodo didn't know what to do with it and Gandalf the wizard was seeing his friend Yoda to talk about this weapon. According to Yoda it could be very helpful in the battle against three enemies.
Usually the mistic lightsabor was blue but when droids were about, it would become rainbow colored and flash. Frodo thought the weapon was particularly impressive.
Frodo was curious about what Gandalf would say about it. But now Gandalf wasn't there. He had a conversation with Saruman. He didn't know Saruman was in contact with Darth Vader. the dark lord.
So, Steve, with his band of followers headed out across the forests of Endor toward the mountain of fire. But first they had to rescue Gandalf from Saruman with the help of a giant Taun-taun.
On his way to warn saruman, Gandalf discovered Saruman wasn't the wise wizard he once was. The idea of power, the ultimate weapons and the largest army of the whole universe has made him selfish and woke the evil inside him. While Gandalf wanted to go away from Saruman, he was defeated. Saruman was having his storm troopers and he used a lightsaber and Gandalf was locked up in the tower of Orthanc.
While there, he was met by one of Gwahir the eagles emmisaries (i cant spell), r2d2. Unfortunitly, r2d2 was tricksy and really worked for Count Duku.
I actually thought of another comparison the other day.
Tirian and Aragorn are quite akin. They are alike in an opposite sort of way. Both were kings were had a good deal of strife thrown their way. Tirian was the last king of Narnia and Aragorn was the last king of his line. Both fought a great evil to save the country they loved. However, Tirian lost his country, but moved on to a better one. Aragorn reclaimed his country and made it a far better one. Both were brave and noble men who were willing to lay down their lives for the greater good. There selfless natures made them great kings, each in his own way.
In a random sort of way, one could say that Gandalf and Aslan are alike. Aslan is from somewhere other than Narnia and Gandalf is from Valinor. Both come to a world to tell its inhabitents things.

I guess one could also so say that Aslan and the Valar are alike, they both created worlds and life. And, they are both under a higher power; the valar under Iluvator and Aslan under his father.
This may sound totally contradictory, but the Eye of Sauron and God are alike in one respect: you can't hide. Whoever put the Ring on became visible to Sauron, therefore not being able to hide. Same thing with God. We can't hide anything from His ever-searching Eye.

That was sort of a random thing I thought about the other day.