Narnia RPG


New member
Ok any one want to start an RP where you are the leader of one of the countries in Narnia? You don't have to conqure the world just spasific goals. Like The leader of narnia must last this long against all enimies, and Archenland must make sure Narnia must not fall, etc. So any one want to start one? If I get enough people I will post all info about this Rp
Hey, COOL! i'll join! I wonder whynot so many people are responding. Just start the rp, then you can tell people about it. :D My friend made a new rp. now it has 50 plus members! and she only started it very recentelly!
Ok, well now we will decide who's who. First Nations:
(Ill be whatever is the last one left)
Narnia-shield lady/Queen Lucy the Valiant *Population:245,000 Military: 24,500*
White Witch-Nikitzuu
Calormen *Population: 380,000 Military: 57,000*
Telmarines*Telmarines will come in later, but you will have to develop your nation and for fun you will have internal revolutions.*
WIld lands of the north
East sea Islands-White Wolf

Goals for nations:
Narnia: to last for 80 years(each turn will be 3 months)
and have all territory you had at the begging

White witch: Conquer all of Narnia and keep it for 50 years.

Archenland: To make sure Narnia Stays alive for 80 years.

Calormen: Conquer all of Narnia

Ettinsmoor: *I am not sure of goals for them yet, any suggestions would be great*

Wild lands of the North: To conquer Narnia

Telmarines: Conquer Narnia

Wild lands of the North: Conquer Narnia

East Sea Islands: One day become seperate form Narnia(you are thier portectorate.) to do this you have to conquer all unihabited(by people) Islands, and force Narnia to let become independent. Then you must protect narnia until its goal is complete.

How this RP will go:

ok this RP will be different from most of the other RP's out there. Each Turn(when every on has completed his/her turn) will be 3 months(mayber longer depending on what you guys think). We will need a map of all of Narnia(needs to include all nations that are playing - telmarines), So we can devide up all nations into Povinces. The player will divide up their country however they like. Battles will be Rped seperatly between the oposing sides. We will need to make several threads for the different areas. These will be where the battles are fought. We will use this thread as the recruitment thread and then another one for most of the RPing. We will need a map, which can be easily changed for territories.

Sound good? any suggestions would be nice.

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So, who's King/Queen of what? can i be Queen of Narnia?Second choice is Archenland. is that how you do it? You should have a different thread for each country.
Can Archenlands goal be to try and help Narnia by keeping out Calormen? it could help in other ways too.
Nikitzuu, what are you going to be head of? Narnia? What about Orieus? Ettinsmoor,hmmm.maybe to join with the Wild Lands of the North?Actually, they might b an ally, with the GOOD giants living there. :) :rolleyes:
Orieus... I am not familiar with that. Yes you claim the nation you want. I will be the last one left. And I will try and emplement you suggestions.
OK then, I'd love to be Queen of Narnia.Do i have to be one of the High Kings or Queens? or do i make up my own name? and when's the time setting thing? Random? ;) I'f we are KIngs and Queens from the book-I'd like to be Queen Helen. I presume that's when it happens, with the White Whitch wanting to take over. Exept for here, WE determine wether she does or not! dan,dun,dah! :eek:
So wait, could I 'rule' over Archenland? I've never really done this before, but it sounds really fun. Or I could be King of Narnia?

It sounds interesting...but i'm still a little confused about everything :confused: :cool:
Well, I think I'm Queen of Narnia-and she said 1 ruler to a nation,so it seems that you can still be 'ruler' of Archenland.Queen Lucy-what do you want to be head of?(under moi) :p :)
Make me the High King of Narnia

Make me the High King of Narnia.

Or better yet I will be like Aslan the King higher then all in Narnia.
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@sheild Lady

WHen we have all the nations filled.

@High King peter

I am sorry two people are already leaders of narnia. What about any of the other people?

This is a really fun way to RP. but we need to also decide population and then I can figure that out from there.