Narnia RPG

Here is an update: We only need one person more. I know someone who is getting an account today and she'll be either the Witch or the Wild Lands of the North. She'll probably be the Wild Lands, but I dunno.

Ok, well now we will decide who's who.
First Nations---->>>>>
Narnia=shield lady/Queen Lucy the Valiant
White Witch=
Calormen =oreius
Wild lands of the north=
East sea Islands=White Wolf
yea ok well I guess that means I am the white witches forces. hehe. You Narnia folks better watch out. Oh and Moseley fan I am going to need you help with populations and military stuff. I will pm you about that and some other stuff.
the sites absolutely ready. If you go there, use the same name you have here, so I know it's you. Anyways, I was thinking the campaign should start March 1st, giving everyone enough time to establish everything. What say you?
ok so The last guy that posted is going to be Wild Lands of the North. And just because we are starting on March 1st doesn't mean you can't register. I would like to see the people playing register for our forum.

