
Kin trun around and just look at her for while then look back " why do you even care is I'm still here?" she said with a deep voice crossing her arms.
ooc: u didn't really miss anything guys...

ic: Tenten walked home tired from practice.
She opened her door to her house and layed on her bed.
Kin came back in " okay I guss you safe for now cuz" she said comeing to his side " be glad I'm in a good mod today" she said looking at Hinata
"we dont care about that.....your close to us....." hinata said

"yeah....i mean, i know u might be annoying sumtimes, but still" naruto said with a kidding laugh
"we dont care about that.....your close to us....." hinata said

"yeah....i mean, i know u might be annoying sumtimes, but still" naruto said with a kidding laugh

ae rolled her eys " oh Naruto some times I wish you..." she said then look at Hinata " yea you right I'm glad we friends to Hinata" she said trying to smile.