
they both smiled and waved
as soon as kin left the doctor came in "you may go home now" she said with a smile

"oh thank you" said hinata as she helped naruto out of the bed
Tenten was practicing her summoning justsu to summon her weapons.
"Soushoyu(Twin Dragons)!"she said as two white dragoins emegered from her two scrolls and Teneten flew up and sent a barrage of weapons at Neji.
"Kaiten(Whirl...chakra come out and Neji spins around and blocks any attack)!"he said twirling around.
Kin did her justsu for awhile then Jobo came " what are you still here for do you know what would happen to you if he fines out" he said witha smrik she trun to him " I really not in the mod right now so if you don't mind I'll be off" she said jumping in a tree with a bell on the ground.

OOC: hehe I love that epsoud when Naruto pick up the bell hehe.
Kin walk by her hose she know on the door if any one was home at the time then she trun around and saw TenTen fighting Neji " what on earth do you think you doing with him" she said to her witha deep tone.
she didn't say any thing to her she was yelling at TenTen for awhile then look back at her " oh hey can I come in before I hurt any one" she said huphing( sp)
"Well were practicing! WERE ON THE SAME TEAM YA KNOW!!!"TenTen screamed back.
"Kin,do not interrupt their battle!"Gai-sensei said coming into the picture.
" yea what ever just don't hurt him all right" she said to TenTen " yea I think I really don't know right now" she said walking in the house.
"Lets stop..."Tenten said getting tired.
"Practice over!"Gai said leaving.
Tenten quickly jumped to her house and walked into her house.
"stupid Kin!"she said smalling her fist into the wall.
Tenten layed on her bed tired.