
((okay GV i'm here))

Name: Yuna Tsukiko
Rank: Genin
Age: 12/13
Height: 5'4
Weight: 98 lbs
Birthday: Sept. 19
Blood Type: O
Team: 2
Seiyu: Shuro Rikou
Teammates: ko-toni sakurazki and rikku murakami
Unique traits: Summoner nin/ taijustu, genjustu and ninjutsu..
Family: Kaya Tsukiko(mother), Haru tsukiko (father) Toya Tsukiko (older brother) Ibiki Morino(uncle), Rukia Morino (aunt) Chirori and Cloudo Morino(cousins) Idate morino. (uncle) and Anko Mitarashi (aunt, was married to koji Mitarashi but he died)
Village: Rain
Yuna is a rain nin, but was acutally born a Konohakgaure nin (leaf nin). 10 years ago the Hokage and Amekage made a deal and sent a good 60 nin Familes to Besaide Village, A side brach to the main rain village. Yuna is persotaliy is similar to Sakura haruno's but a tad more tomboyish. She got the best grades in her year and has allready learned healing jutsu's form her mother. She inherated he mothes abbilties as a summoner nin, which means she can summons sprits form the other side to said her in battel and even place them in her body. She gains the contorl of that persons abbiltes when they where living. She is also had element based powers all of which are mostly Water and ice. (her fathers traits) Her main wepon is a Japanese Nigeta. Yuna had long brown hair and bi color eyes. one green the other blue. but because of teasing when she was younger she uses a genjutsu to make them appear both green. yuna also as a very speacali talent like her two team mates. She is the Gardain of suzaku, one of the 4 beast gods. Like wise she has ablitles off all the seshies when thier symbolys appera on her body. such as nuriko's strenght or tasuki's speed/ fire abbilites.
THe main thing that identifys her is that she has two headbands. her regualr rain one around her forehead and another one around her neck with a cresent moon on it. (a gift form the yondaime, Arashi, when she was born) and water symbol tatoo on her right arm.

((of you want to know the whole thing about her. it in my fanfic Naruto: amaya))
well Kin thats me is fighting Garra right now and Naruto is with Hinata Ten Ten is at her house so its up to you . you can Stop the fight.
SHe look around makeing sure Naruto dosen't ruing the fight.
" let me tell you one thing Garra you don't mass with me," she said pulling out her bell and needle out ,
to make him hard of hearing.

he look at her with a smrik.
" I know because I can," he said then his sand went around him.
no one can go thew it not even her.

She smrik as well.
" wel wel what do we have here,?"she said makeing a high bitch sound.
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yuna walked in up to thr konoha gates her teammates and sensei with her. "ne sensei. our mission is here?" yuna asked "uhhhuh. the amekage needed us to deliver somthing to the hokage." "meh, why couldn't they just get some jounin for the job?" said a black haired girl with red eyes , ko-toni.
"ano how long we staying?" rikku asked bouncing on the balls of her feet. She was a hyper girl with short sandy brown hair that poffed out from the clips near the bottom. Shuro shurrged. "well not long...its only a c mission. but we can ceritaly have a vaction." her words held a double meaning. Yuna tilitled her head. "Shuro-sensei isn't the chunnin exams soon or something?"
Shuro winked at ehr student "not exactl,but you can always use this time to gather info on you oppents... it might come in handy later on." ko-toni puched the air " hell ya!!! fially some fighting! i hope there's no pathdic weaklings." "Heyy yunnnie!!!!! don'cha have family here?" rikku asked. yuna smiled. "uhhuh! my mom and dad siblings! i haven't seen them in ages!! Also i want to vist Uncel Arashi's grave."

"Arashi???? ohh you mean the 4th hokage right? I forgot your mom was on the same team as him."
Garra smirk at her.
" now come on do you think that even hates me?," he ask while his sand gose around him.

She Smrik as well.
" why yes I don't and matter a fact I all ready did," she said swing around her spot.

Garra look at her.
" what do you mean by that,?" he ask not knowing what was going on.

She laugh.
" oh come oh Garra don't you see yoyr little Sand isn't working like you want it," she said makeing her way tords him.

he didn't know what to do next.
" ALl right you win but only this time," he told her wish a frown.

She laugh.
" I told you and you didn't beleave me didn't you," she said with a smrik.

he nood then he heard some on comeing their way.

She look Also.
" who gose there and why do you think to come to the leaf village?<" she ask crossing her arms.
All of team 2 heard the voices and the girls got into deffen postions. Yuna took out her nejita, ko-toni her doubel round red shurkien (axel's weapons in kh) and rikku two kunni. Shuro was the only one who didn't pull out anything. "calm down girls." she said patting them on the shoulder than walked in front of them faceing the two presence's. "We're a team of shinobi from Rain. I'm shuro rukiou thier sensei. don't worry where friendly. My team and i are just on a mission to deliver a something to the hokage." she smikred crossing her arms. "you can come ouy from that bush to see for yourself."
The genin looked at eachother then put down their weapons.
she look at them for awhile.
" ah, I see I'm myself not from here I'm from the Hidding of Sound," she said,
with a smrik she had her flut by her side.
" I Kin Tsuchi and this is Garra from the hiddend of Sand," she said looking at the girls.

Garra just Smrik like he all ways dose not say a word.
shuro nodded and guestred to her team. "this is Ko-toni Sakurazki." the black haired girl only gunted andtwilred her weapon on her fingers. "the hyper on is Rikku murakami." Rikku as smilling waving so much her arm would fall off. " and The brunnet is Yuna Tsukiko." yuna bowed "nice to meet you."
She smirk.
" well don't get use to me being so nice," she told them,
walking up to Garra.

Garra did the same.
" yes most everyone knows about us," he said with a smrik on his face,
he never nice to anyone sice they retred him thinking his was a mauster.
Ko-toni rolled her eyes and kin's statement. "rarely anyone is... Hey yousaid your garra of the sand right? oh i've heard of you, acutally i always thought you were preety cool. I"m a earth type nin myself, also but my main stuff deals with wind."
"ja, i'm a fire type and yunnie here is bascilly water sometimes ice. she also has this really neat kekeigenki! (err now i now a probally spelled that wrong. it the ticnical term for blood line triats)" yuna hit her friend with her staff. " na.. shut it rikku." she said "that's personal info remeber" over to the side she caught sight of hinata and naurto. ' ano.... she must be a hyuga ..she has the bayakugan and he....' she looked at naruto her eyes widening slightly. 'h.he looks fiamilar....matte..he kinda looks like uncle arashi from kaa-san's and tou-san's pictures.' Shruo noticed her student looking at naurto and hinata, a smirk crosses her faces as her wine colored eyes had a snap of amusment in them and her purple hair blew softly in the wind. ' ahh that must be naruto-kun. Arashi-sempi's son and one of kakashi's students.' then she turned back to garra and kin. "well we got to get going. a mission doesn't get itself done you know... girls.." "hai!" in an instent all three girls vanished in swirls of lights of orange, blue,and green. " nice meeting you." and shuro vanished ina puff of smoke
She rolled her eyes.
" ahh stop need some quite," she said with a look on her face.

Garra look at them with a smrik.
" yeah so be dell," he looking the other way from them.
Team 2 reappered in the middel of konoha right in front of the hokage's bulding. all 3 geinn gasped up at the huge rock cliff with the hokage's of teh past carved into . "wow... aswome" said ko-toni. "besiad is nothing like this" rikku chirped. "well of course not. all our own stuff in is the main hidden rain village." shuro mocked.
"Shodaime, Nidaime, Sarutobi the 3rd, and Arashi -yondaime" yuna said counting the hokage's off.

shuro faced her team. "okay you three i'm going to deliver this scoll to the hokage. You can go look around the village in the mean time, and when i give the signal meet right back here." All three girl choursed "hai, shuro-sensei." "allright go have fun." she smiled as she walked in to the bulding.

Ko-toni steched "well i'm off. wonder if i can get some training done."
"i;m going to get some food." rikku said
"well, i;m just gona walk around. hopefull stock up on supplies."
"nee. you gona get somthing for kiba kiryu and limdo?" ko-toni mocked
yuna blused slightly as she put her hands on her hips. "thier my firends. and what about tsume huh? ko"
"hph. like i ever like that jerk!"
rikku laughed at her friends fight. IT was asways jocking with them. "all right i'm off." and they when spreate ways for the time being.
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SHe trun to her.
" I have no clue but what ever," she said looking for Naruto.

Garra had a smrik on his face.
" I think they from the rain village," he said walking over to the tree.