
SHe just smirk
" now let your little boyfriend deside on the now little shy girl run along now," she said walking closer to him makeing her her little popet.
She look at her with a smirk.
" now now you little girl you worng by that I was just playing with you little minds being nice to all of you," she said putting a finger on Hinata lips
she someone is watching us," she said walking back were Naruto was.
Akuma watches invisibly from the side lines.
"So, Uzumaki Naruto is fighting with Kin from Otogakure... Interesting. So fathers information was correct.."
She smirked. "Hn."
SHe trun around looking at her.
" wel well what do we have here we got a spy," she said walking over to her with a Smrik on her face.

Akuma watched Kin walk over to her and grew to her full height, which was 6 centimeters bigger than Kin herself.
"Well, I thought that taking a walk was legal." Akuma lied confidently.
SHe just smrik at her.
" If you want to live I think you need to leave," she said cicleing her holding her needle.

Akuma grinned. I When you see her grin you'll expect vampire teeth to pop out.
"Oh, I don't need to fight. I already killed a rain ninja today."
Akuma pointed to her headband which had blood on it. Her shirt also had blood on it.
"He was close. Not close enough though..." She grinned her vampire laugh again.
Kin was still cicleing her.
well I have to keep an eye on you now I have to go back to my little fight with Naruto if you don't mind." she said walking back to Naruot

Main when Hoshiko was watching them from a tree.
" Meow this great isn't Chin," she said to her little black Kitten then jump down right beside the new girl.
Kin was still cicleing her.
well I have to keep an eye on you now I have to go back to my little fight with Naruto if you don't mind." she said walking back to Naruot

Main when Hoshiko was watching them from a tree.
" Meow this great isn't Chin," she said to her little black Kitten then jump down right beside the new girl.

Akuma watched Kin go back to Naruto.
She heard a voice coming from a tree. She ignored it. I wasn't her buisness anyway.
"Right... You just keep your eye on me then..." She said calmly and sat down.
Hoshiko came close to the girl with her fins out.
" why hello there what do we have here,?" she said looking at her with her deep blue eyes,
Chin jump out of her jacket staired at her.
Name: Hoshiko Inuzuka
Age: 17
Rank: same as Kiba
Bio: she is the sister of Kiba but no one dosen't know it she all ways have a balck kitten in her jacket just like Kiba and his dog she use ice janus and fire Jinus
looks: she have long back hair and silver highlights and deep blue eyes and have the same markings on her face like Kiba she have two tail wolf in her.

She just look at her with a smirk on her face.
"Ah, I see you have no clue who I am that's good I'm the one you don't want to mass with I don't know what Kin was talking about but I the true one to watch," she said craking her neck.
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ooc: Nice character btw! :)
"Woo... Scaaryy.." Akuma said sarcastically.
"Look, I don't care who you are. If you wanna fight you'll have to withstand some pretty hard jutsu." Akuma stepped back and put her headband protector on her forehead which she kept in her pocket. She took it out only in battle and it had a sand clock on it.
She pop her knuckles.
" oh so you want fight me," she said looking at her with a smirk on her face,
she put her finger like tiger the ox then dragon.
" oh one tiny little then about me kid I'm not human like the rest of them," she said making ice coming around her" ice dragon jitsu," she said watching the girl what she do no one knows they can't defeat any thing she dose.
"Hang on!" Akuma shouted. " First of all, don't call me a kid. I'm more mature than a 19 year old. And secondly, I don't wanna fight you. I'm just defending myself... AKUMU NO JUTSU!"
The ice dragon breaks into little pieces.
She laughs.
" you fool you think you smart huh well just letting you know that dragon who you thought was there wasn't really there at all," she said putting her finger on her lip,
she grabbed her by the neck then stab her in the back.
" oh didn't I for get to tell you this you can't kill me if you think you did well think again little girl," she said with a growl.