
Akuma was replaced by a piece of wood.
"Right then... Here comes hell.... Jigoku... No jutsu!"
Demons come forth and attck the girl.
"Oh by the way... If you call me a kid one more time. I'll stop time and kill you when you're stuck in time." Akuma said, annoyed that she has to fight again.
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She just laugh and stand there.
" what did I just told you you can't kill me I'm all ready dead," she said with an evil laugh this time.

"Oh brother..." Akuma mumbled. "Well then, zombie... Let me tell you that if, by any cahnce, you really are dead then my father would know. He is the lord of the Hidden Time Village. He keeps a record of everyone who's dead, alive and people who still even need to be born." Akuma took her headband and put it back into her pocket.
She walk over to her and grabbed her by the neck.
" now see here no one not even your father knows who I am I'm like a shadow I am Hoshiko Inuzuka I am the demon of Hetosà the two tail wolf," she told her with a growl.
She walk over to her and grabbed her by the neck.
" now see here no one not even your father knows who I am I'm like a shadow I am Hoshiko Inuzuka I am the demon of Hetosà the two tail wolf," she told her with a growl.
Akuma slid out of Hoshiko's grip and asked: "Walking shadow? Okay 'Hoshiko'. If you really are dead then when did you die?"
She smirk at her.
I was dead when the I was trying to become a ninja you see I'm not from this village I'm from the hidden sound were everyone kill there friend to get this head band and well I was one of them to dead the demon brought me back and I been watch every mover every village make like the jinus and stuff like that of couse that was when I was three and the Inuzuka family brought my in but they didn't know who I really was tell now I mean," she told her picking up her kitten.
Akuma laughed, which was very rare.
"You stupid girl. It doesn't matter where you're from. My father has a whole library full of books with peoples deaths in it. But if you say so, I believe you... Unless you're a liar. But I'm sure my father has you regisistered."
"Why do you want to know my name? I'd love to hear the reason, Hoshiko." Akuma said, she didn't trust Hoshiko at the moment since she almost got choked by her.
"Hn. Fine, I'll tell you but I feel like nothing good will come out of it even though it's just a name. I'm Akuma. I'm the daughter of the Village Hidden in Time's
lord." Akuma said, staying in her own boundries.
She smiled.
" see wasn't that heard I all way test pepole before I trust them," she said putting Chin in her jacket her hair was patch balck with blue highlights this time.
"Hn. So do I. You can never trust someone... Even your own best friend, who you know won't betray you, can kill you or betray you at some point... I suppose that's one of the risks of being a ninja." Akuma said grinning that vampire smile again.
She laugh.
" yeap like I said before I'm from the hidden of Sound I just like going every were and learn about every jinsu you see my father dead from the seventh first was my father then it was my mother I was the only one alive when I was three I was the smarties on in my class but then again I wasn't that's how i dead then when I was about eightish the two tail wolf thought it was cool to live inside me then when I was about nine the Inuzuka family adopt me," she said sitting down watching the girl for awhile.
"The Inuzuka's?" Akuma thought for a while and said:" Kiba and Hana... My father has them written down... Although, he has pretty much all of the Inuzuka's names written down." Akuma sat down next to Hoshiko."My father is sort of like a Kage, really... I really hate boasting..." Akuma sighed. Her father really had a lot of names written down. She was kept up to date with who would die, who has died and who would be born.
"What's your father like? Do you still remember him?" She asked.
She look up at the sky for awhile.
" let me see well he was a sorger and he tout me how to fight when I was about two his name Kojin he had the same hair clor as mind and eyes as well that's mostly it," she said still looking up then Kiba came up to them looking down at his step sister.
"Wow." Akuma said." I never had a mother. She died when I was 2. I'm not really sad about it. I mean, there's no point I didn't even know her."

She saw Kiba near them. And then she noticed Akamaru. Akamaru sat next to Akuma. As she stroked Akamaru she remembered what her own dog looked like.
"Hey, Akamaru." Akuma said, smiling at the dog.
He lick her on the face.
" hey baby sis who your new friend here?," he ask sitting next to her.

She put her head on his shouder.
" oh her Akuma we just meet in a little battle I all ways make," she said with a little giggle

he laugh and rubbed her hair.
Akuma sighed, still stroking Akamaru. She had always loved dogs. She wasn't paying attention to anything going around her but stroking Akamaru and the softness of Akamaru's fur.
"Hoshiko, have you ever had a dog before?" Akuma asked absentmindedly.
She nod.
" why yes I have hmm Azkà I all ways have Chin around more the him," she said still laying on her step brother's shouder

Kiba smiled.
" ah, I see well hmm ask her if she want to go eat with my team,?" he said putting his fingers in her hair.