National Treasure: Book of Secrets *NO SPOILERS*

I saw it on TV a few weeks ago with Russian translation. All of the jokes were translated incorrectly (sadly that happens alot) but when I listened really carefully I got them :p

So true! (about Riley)
^^ Agreed about Riley. And QSoN, do you like Maximum Ride? Just wondering because of your avatar.

It's coming out here on Friday I think...definitely going to see it.
I really enjoyed Book of Secrets, and actually wound up watching it three times! lol I highly recommend it as a good family action movie.
However, I'm not going so far as to say that it was superior or inferior to the first one. I really liked them both! :)
:eek: How could you hate Willabeth!!? Now, I'm against going overboard on it all, but they make a really sweet (not to mention swashbuckling) couple! :p

Anyway, way didn't you think Book of Secrets was as thrilling as the first one?
I LOVE PotC, but I don't like Willabeth or Sparrabeth or any of the other couples in it xD I just loathe the characters Elizabeth and Will. They're just so unbelievably annoying.
'Oh Elizabeth, I love you and I make it so blatantly annoyingly obvious!'
'Oh Will, I love you more and I make it even more blatantly annoyingly obvious!'
I mean, I know it's not actually like that, but sometimes I wish they'd tone down the Willabeth a little. And Sparrabeth just makes me insanely jealous, so I hate that too xD

I thought the clues and twists in the first National Treasure were better. In the second one there weren't many clues. And plus the villain guy (Mitch?) wasn't as evil as the villain in the first one (forgotten his name ^^'). But I still loved it, mostly because of Riley.

Security guard: Oi! The fire alarm's gone off!
Riley: (putting on English accent) Uh-oh! God save the Queen!

Honestly. He's gold, pure gold.
I LOVE PotC, but I don't like Willabeth or Sparrabeth or any of the other couples in it xD I just loathe the characters Elizabeth and Will. They're just so unbelievably annoying.
'Oh Elizabeth, I love you and I make it so blatantly annoyingly obvious!'
'Oh Will, I love you more and I make it even more blatantly annoyingly obvious!'
Haha... that's funny! :p
I mean, I know it's not actually like that, but sometimes I wish they'd tone down the Willabeth a little. And Sparrabeth just makes me insanely jealous, so I hate that too xD
I thought that was kind of out of line too... she should have married Will at the end of the first movie and just been done with it!

I thought the clues and twists in the first National Treasure were better. In the second one there weren't many clues. And plus the villain guy (Mitch?) wasn't as evil as the villain in the first one (forgotten his name ^^'). But I still loved it, mostly because of Riley.
Ian Howe. I've seen it a few times. :p
I liked how Mitch redeemed himself in the end.
Gave "The last full measure of devotion."
"Greater love hath no man... that a man lay down his life for his friend." :)

Security guard: Oi! The fire alarm's gone off!
Riley: (putting on English accent) Uh-oh! God save the Queen!

Honestly. He's gold, pure gold.
Yeah... he's classic! :p
Was I the only one who missed a big reveal of the treasure in Book of Secrets? I loved the movie but there wasn't any spectacular build-up to where we got to see the treasure like in the first movie. It was just sort of... there all of a sudden. I mean the whole movie is about ultimately finding the treasure so it should have been a bit more dramatically revealed. I loved the whole thing with the gun powder in the first movie and how the treasure room just kept on expanding revealing more and more treasure. I'm not saying they should have copied that for the second film but it could at least have been a more majestic revealing!
I thought the movie was great! But it just seemed to be a little fast paced to me. I wish they had taken more time in the other countries. Everything was just rush, rush, rush. I do understand that their trying to find the treasure before the villain. But. . . I don't know :confused:

I did think Book of Secrets was a whole lot funnier than the first. . . just my opinion! ;)